User: ypmick2007

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User profile: ypmick2007

User info
User name:ypmick2007
Name:Ray Marc
Bio:I want to learn more about programming.
Making Systems that is very useful.
Enhance the Programming Skills.
Continuing what I've Started.
Non Stop Learning.
Number of posts:9
Latest posts:

How do I change the console color?
you should have a <stdlib> ... wat compiler did you use?

#findef/#define in headers + cpp for definition.
you should separate the Abstract Data Type to you main program. you will just: #include "a.h"

A small quiz.
the problem on you code is that.: you initialized the questionone =1 and questiontwo =2; it is wron...

A small quiz.
//Try this code: #include <iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int main() { int ques...

Hello all! I really need help! x)
You can make games by the use of c++; use alegro for the designs.. then code it.. don't you know tha...

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