User: sebgar

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User profile: sebgar

User info
User name:sebgar
Location:New york
Number of posts:19
Latest posts:

visual studio to code::blocks
i don't know much about libraries 9this is my first time using them), but i downloaded an API, i mad...

visual studio to code::blocks
Could someone please translate the instructions below (which are for Visual Studio) into Code::block...

error: stray '\342' in program
the code (i tried include in place of import, same problem): [code]#include <iostream> #import "C:\...

error: stray '\342' in program
still getting the same error. I even moved the file to c:\ and used: [code]#import "C:\\fxcore.dll"...

Static Member variable
[quote]One way is to use the {braces} approach:[/quote] Awesome, thank you!!

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