User profile: salem c

User info
User name:salem c
Location:The Rock
Bio:Please don't PM me to do your homework, unless it comes with a credible offer of money.
My rate is US$100 per hour.
Number of posts:3702
Latest posts:

scientific computing - optimize speed
> For now, this thread was just about making the implementation as efficient as possible How about ...

scientific computing - optimize speed
In absolute time, how long does it take to run? Are we talking minutes or months here? Next questi...

Why its showing wrong ? You're using word p...

Save to file with vector (dynamically)
> auto del = [&](streambuf* p){strm.rdbuf(p);}; > unique_ptr<streambuf, decltype(del)> origBu...

unresolved external symbol "int const value"
Your other.cpp file also needs to say extern, otherwise it's taken to have internal linkage only. h...