User: nickd1085

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User profile: nickd1085

User info
User name:nickd1085
Number of posts:25
Latest posts:

Wish I could help ya dude but Im new at all this stuff too! Is there anyway any of you could post t...

Are these the same?
Are the following two declarations the same? char city[] = {'D', 'a', 'l', 'l', 'a', 's'}; char...

Need some help here....
I know you guys are trying to help me but I literally have no time to figure out all this stuff. I'd...

Need some help here....
Is this what your talking about? [code] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <string> ...

Need some help here....
Thanks man! So where would this coding fit in the structure I have??? I'm not really sure where to ...

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