User profile: mbozzi

User info
User name:mbozzi
Bio:ESR's article /How To Ask Questions the Smart Way/ is the best guide to getting quick, effective help that I know of.

That document has substantial problems, but its content is mostly good.

Avoid the common trap of asking about potential solutions rather than your actual problem. Always provide context for the questions you ask.

My opinions do not represent the position of my employer.
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Number of posts:3934
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Which item stipulates that A() is a prvalue?
I believe that A() is a function-style cast expression and is covered by [quote]• a cast express...

Removing double quotes from Cstring
Perhaps it would be best to use std::filesystem::path for this?

what does T = 0 mean in a template parameter?
It makes a non-type template parameter of type T with a default value of 0. C++17 introduced this a...

Fox-Star Search Fun
Try [tt]cl /std:c17 source.c[/tt] to set the language standard.

New Safe C++ Proposal
[quote]If you use safe pointers, safe variables, and you never touch the "dangerous" features, how p...