User profile: mbozzi

User info
User name:mbozzi
Bio:ESR's article /How To Ask Questions the Smart Way/ is the best guide to getting quick, effective help that I know of.

That document has substantial problems, but its content is mostly good.

Avoid the common trap of asking about potential solutions rather than your actual problem. Always provide context for the questions you ask.

My opinions do not represent the position of my employer.
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Number of posts:3939
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Using std::variant to reduce getter and setter clutter
Yes, basically the same story for me. Currently the C++ committee does piecemeal language design. ...

Using std::variant to reduce getter and setter clutter
C++ might not get properties, but it might get reflection in 2026. What Ch1156 made was a way to sw...

Using std::variant to reduce getter and setter clutter
Are you sure that you need setter and getter functions for those variables in the first place?

Opening Multiple Console Windows One For Each Thread
[quote]I'm playing around with threads and rather than designing a class to manage output to a singl...

scientific computing - optimize speed
Maybe this simulation could be moved to a graphics card (or cards).