User: dinhxuanvu

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User profile: dinhxuanvu

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User name:dinhxuanvu
Number of posts:5
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C++ Expected Primary-Expression Error
Never mind. I just put system("pause"); before return 0; and it's working. Thanks.

C++ Expected Primary-Expression Error
This is what I come up with. It's working but it won't pause after executing. [code]// Lab 1 - Revi...

C++ Expected Primary-Expression Error
OK, this is my original code which is working just fine. [code]// Lab 1 - Review #include <iostream...

C++ Expected Primary-Expression Error
Sorry for the confusion, my code is just hopeless as much as I'm right now. I will redo it.

C++ Expected Primary-Expression Error
This is even/odd problem. This is my code: [code]// Lab 1 - Review #include <iostream> using names...

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