User profile: d3sousa92

User info
User name:d3sousa92
Number of posts:16
Latest posts:

Adding data to linked list
I am trying to add data to a linked list. However when I go to add the data I get an error: "no suit...

PriorityQueue enqueue and dequeue functions
Hi jonnin, Thank you for your response. I am still very new to priority queues and linked lists. Al...

PriorityQueue enqueue and dequeue functions
I have a trying to create a list of patients sorted by their priority of ailments that have been add...

If statement is not being selected when condition is met
Hi, I am writing a console application that gives the user a list of options to choose from. Viewing...

Console Input with std::getline()
Thank you so much! I can't believe it was as simple as just removing the std::endl; Also I created ...