User profile: Trojan

User info
User name:Trojan
Bio:Love computers and video games. I DO NOT HACK OR CHEAT ON VIDEO GAMES. However I would love to learn how to hack into PC's.
Number of posts:14
Latest posts:

Opening files
What do you mean with a filename in command mode? Also, that code only shows the saved files I've wr...

Opening files
thanks! How do I switch to command mode? Also this only pops programs I've already written through d...

Opening files
Can anyone post the code or email me a code that will allow me to open a file through the command pr...

beginner study group C++
Hello everyone, I'd like to get in on this to. Email is [email protected]. bluewave, what is the li...

quick question
can you please email me about these code changes you made? I'd like to learn how to incorperate them...