User: Trev

  • Public profile

User profile: Trev

User info
User name:Trev
Email:[email protected]
Name:Trevor Stapleton
Location:Stockport, Cheshire, England
Bio:Senior Citizen, I have been a computer user since 1982,learned Z80 machine code, jumped through all the usual hoops, then drifted away from coding and into After Effects, now after 15 years i wand to have another go, so I an re-learning C++ all over again, ( its surprising how much of it had stuck )
will be using Dev C++
Number of posts:3
Latest posts:

error meaning
would someone please try to help me understand the following error message 'window' was not decclar...

window not declared in this scope
Hi Stav thanks for the superfast reply, i used your line of code and get a new error expected primar...

window not declared in this scope
Hi i'm useing windows 10 ,codeblocks 1712, sfml 5.2 and after 2 and a half weeks i finally have it w...

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