User profile: MaskedArtist

User info
User name:MaskedArtist
Email:[email protected]
Name:You will learn it if I choose so
Bio:My email is [email protected]

I am a passionate and inspired artist, game designer, and comic writer who as yet has had no experience with a professional publisher. I believe that good games need not have eye blisteringly good graphics to be fun. All the components for a good game have already been invented (camera angles, intuitive hack&slashing, minions who follow your bidding, etc.), but have rarely been combined into an exciting and innovative gaming experience. I don't believe we have to scramble for new gaming ideas, we need to fix what we already have.

I could make a six-million dollar man reference here but I won't.

I have a vision for a Ninja, Zombie, Robot, Anthro MMO that would be free for all who browse the web. If you care to help contact me and leave an e-mail address at mine.

Whoever you are, I love you so much I can ignore my blinding hatred for you. Be huggable my friend.
Statistical data
Birthdate:Dec 14, 1990
Number of posts:2
Latest posts:

Robo-Ninja Vs. Ninja-Zombies MMO: Programmers needed (no pay)
Well consider also that I'm not trying to make quests or develop a huge game world like world of war...

Robo-Ninja Vs. Ninja-Zombies MMO: Programmers needed (no pay)
My vision for video games is vast but I have not the technical expertise to program them myself....