Exception thrown on typeid of null pointer
Type of the exceptions thrown by typeid
when applied on a pointer to a polymorphic type which has a null pointer value.
Its member what returns a null-terminated character sequence identifying the exception.
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// bad_typeid example
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <typeinfo> // operator typeid, std::bad_typeid
class Polymorphic {virtual void Member(){}};
int main () {
Polymorphic * pb = 0;
std::cout << typeid(*pb).name();
catch (std::bad_typeid& bt)
std::cerr << "bad_typeid caught: " << bt.what() << '\n';
return 0;
Possible output:
bad_typeid caught: St10bad_typeid
Exception safety
No-throw guarantee: no members throw exceptions.