public member function
template <class... ArgTypes> typename result_of<type&(ArgTypes&&...)>::type operator() (ArgTypes&&... args) const;
Access element (functional form)
Accesses the referred element.
The effect depends on the type referred by the reference_wrapper object (i.e., its class template parameter T, aliased as member type):
- If type is a function or a function object type, it is called forwarding the arguments to the function.
- If type is a pointer to a non-static member function, it is called using the first argument as the object on which the member is called (this may either be an object, a reference, or a pointer to it), and the remaining arguments are forwarded as arguments for the function.
- If type is a pointer to a non-static data member, it should be called with a single argument, and the function returns a reference to that member of its argument (the argument may either be an object, a reference, or a pointer to it).
- args...
- Arguments for the invocation.
If type is a member pointer, the first argument shall be an object for which that member is defined (or a reference, or a pointer to it).
Return value
If the function performs a function call, it returns the return value of that function.
Otherwise, it returns a reference to accessed member.
type is a member type describing the referred type (it is an alias of the class template parameter, T).
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// reference_wrapper::operator()
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <functional> // std::reference_wrapper, std::plus
struct AB {
int a,b;
int sum() {return a+b;}
int ten() {return 10;} // function
int main () {
std::plus<int> plus_ints; // function object
int AB::* p_a = &AB::a; // pointer to data member
int(AB::* p_sum)() = &AB::sum; // pointer to member function
// construct reference_wrappers using std::ref:
auto ref_ten = std::ref(ten); // function
auto ref_plus_ints = std::ref(plus_ints); // function object
auto ref_AB_sum = std::ref(p_sum); // pointer to member function
auto ref_AB_a = std::ref(p_a); // pointer to data member
AB ab {100,200};
// invocations:
std::cout << ref_ten() << '\n';
std::cout << ref_plus_ints(5,10) << '\n';
std::cout << ref_AB_sum(ab) << '\n';
std::cout << ref_AB_a( ab) << '\n';
std::cout << ref_AB_a(&ab) << '\n'; // (also ok with pointer)
return 0;
Data races
Both the object and its referred element are accessed.
Exception safety
Provides the same level as the element accessed.