Help with ASCII???

I need to write a program that encrypt "attack at 0600"
print out "13nggnpxongx3933&7#10" on the screen and then decrypt it back to the screen. Any idea how I can start with this?
Thanks for help!
my time is short and I know that I need a lot of search online for ascii codes and and other things.
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Here's what I figured.

13     = number to offset the alphabet / eg. offset of "a" plus 13 which is equal to "n"
nggnpx = "attack"
o      = white space / offset of "x" minus 9 which is equal to "o"
ng     = "at"
x      = white space / offset of "g" minus 9 which is equal to "x"
3933   = "0600" / offset of each plus 3 / eg. 0+3=3  / eg. 6+3=9
&      = end of data
7#10   = # separated values / represents the location of white spaces

Hope that helps.
Thank You
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