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Windows Programming

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Welcome to this board!
Welcome to the Windows forum in C++.com! In this forum, users can to talk about any topic related to programming in C++ for the Windows platform. Feel free to...
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MSVC Solution and C1011 Error
MSVS Community Edition, v17.12.5 (latest), Win10 (latest), 64-bit I've raised an issue with MS, but after their acknowledging that they've replicated the probl...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the commiserations. I believe the project to be way too bi... (by SimpleCoder)
Opening Multiple Console Windows One For Each Thread
I'm playing around with threads and rather than designing a class to manage output to a single console i.e., a single stdout, I figured to use this approach t...
[7 replies] Last: Not sure if it was only my system but MSVC compiler emitted compiler ... (by kigar64551)
How to create bare-minimum Windows Application with Console Access?
I'm following this video tutorial and would like to run the code snippet at 1:07. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <iostream> #include <string> #...
[7 replies] Last: You can call AllocConsole() to get a console in a Windows (GUI) appl... (by kigar64551)
My Shockwave Flash Projector
Thought I would release my flash projector and compiler :D now open source version released on GitHub, along with a release build Build: Visual Studio 2005 Wi...
[no replies]
WinForms Resources, Moved Files
I'm working on a WinForms CLR project and I'm using VS 2022. All was well until I created new folders and moved files - everything was in the base project folde...
[8 replies] Last: If you use source control Not everyone uses that, I know for most of... (by deleted account xyzzy)
printing C++ source file in VS2022 throws garbage
Hi, I have a C++ source file that when printing from VS2022 prints what seems garbage (actually it seems to be using a strange font which is impossible to u...
[4 replies] Last: any chance one or all of your code snippet settings use the "Cascadia"... (by jonnin)
Procedure Entry Point Not Found
Hello, I am currently using OpenCV-4.5.5-x64 with MinGW and encountering issues when trying to execute the compiled binary. The PATH environment variable is co...
[1 reply] : UPDATE: Ive tried an older Build and OpenCV-MinGW-Build-OpenCV-4.1.1-x... (by LukeProducts)
image compression ffmpeg
Hey folks, I’m trying to use FFmpeg in C++ to compress image buffers, but I keep running into a fundamental issue. I’m seeing this error: [libx264 @ ...
[1 reply] : Read the manual page and understand how the functions are supposed to ... (by salem c)
How to properly link ffmpeg library to clion?
Hey everyone :), I've been trying to use FFmpeg for video compression and other tasks, but I've been stuck for a while. Up until now, I've mostly avoided linki...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much. I realized i mixed up .dll with .lib in the executi... (by LukeProducts)
Compiles with Visual Studio, but not g++
#include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <filesystem> #include <fstream> #include <shlobj.h> #include <locale> #include <codecvt> #include <windo...
[5 replies] Last: The import libraries for the WinAPI are different for each compiler, a... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Are internal partition files supported in VC++ 2022?
Can we do this? module name:partition_name; VS 2022 does not compile
[1 reply] : Yes, VS 2022 does support internal partition files, the file's compila... (by deleted account xyzzy)
How do i get and set the theme colors?
How can I apply the colors chosen in the theme by the user, so that my colors overlap with the windows colors. I was thinking of this api GetSysColor, GetThe...
[1 reply] : The WinAPI has a header file for getting and setting theme related inf... (by deleted account xyzzy)
type const char * not compatible with LPCWSTR
Hello everyone, Trying Win API 32 with creating sample Window, handle message using ressources in CPP compiler returns the message const char * type argument no...
[15 replies] Last: Since I have updated .json in v.s. code #include <sal.h> is not nece... (by TrouthieCPP)
Assigning CMYK values into a pixel
Hi, I'm working on a project that manipulating images pixel by pixel with C# forms. Now the turn is color space convertions. We extracted the values out of an R...
[2 replies] Last: I think implementing the conversion between the RGB and CMYK color mo... (by bydrachen)
How does CFile::Openassigns to pErros->m_cause the value CFileException::none?
I have analyzed an older application and tracing an error to this MFC class function. In some versions of Windows 10 and earlier version of Windows this method ...
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How to use a library of C++ 20 modules from another solution file?
Hi, I have a library of C++ 20 modules which I can use from projects in the same solution but not from projects in another solution. I have instructed the l...
[3 replies] Last: that may work, but no, I mean pure windows folder management. You sho... (by jonnin)
How to set up runtime environment for developing and testing Windows apps?
I would like to learn how to write my own credential provider but I don't want to roll out changes on my personal computer, in case I do something dumb and lo...
[2 replies] Last: I also recommend using a Virtual Machine (VM), e.g. via Oracle Virtual... (by kigar64551)
where can I find a list of locale names to use with std::locale in the Windows 11 operating system?
Hi, I have looked everywhere for a list of locale names to use in Windows 11 with the std::locale type and no success. Can somebody point me to such a list?...
[6 replies] Last: If you are printing to the console/terminal on Windows, then that is e... (by Duthomhas)
by Adam87
Socket producer consumer design
I have a chat server that responds to requests such as messages, files uploaded from the remote host and so on. This is a TCP server. Design is 1 producer 1 ...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry for the late reply... I hoped to use a blocking notification m... (by coder777)
  Archived months: [dec2024]