Proxy server

Hi guys , I am very new to network programming or application but I have done some applications like simple chat application using the c socket api. I want to write application for school management system which will involves alot of work I know and i what it to be client/server base application with a proxy server where all request operation from client will be handle.

basically I want the server to manager all the data storage: for instance when a client sends student registration details, as xml the client will decode it them add the student to database and give back feed back simultaneously with other clients request. I dont have any idea how proxy server works, though I have find someone boost.asio library and I like it , I also find QT library too , but I will prefer to use boost.asio since it is more low level compare to QT.

My Question is that, is there any good material or any designed pattern I should know to be able to break the back of the application without breaking mine.

It doesn't sound like you need a proxy. The stuff that you intend the proxy to do, should be done in the application server.

You use a proxy when you need something clever do tbe done between the client and server.
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