by helios
Getting pretty sick of Rust's BS
[7 replies] Last: rust - a flaky coat caused by corrosion I have only a very superficia... (by seeplus)
by Cyclone
Anti Virus software?
[6 replies] Last: MS’s Defender is perfectly fine. Don’t do risky stuff. I have a... (by Duthomhas)
vcpkg and why I like it |
[12 replies] Last: And if the library files you've just deleted were a dependency for an... (by helios)
by zapshe
I'm a genius
[6 replies] Last: Happy to say the idea worked out pretty well. Had a hiccup where the s... (by zapshe)
by helios
Modern CPUs are pretty amazing
[9 replies] Last: I always thought it was sort of a bullshit value anyway, especially s... (by zapshe)