Lounge - November 2024

C++23 has finally been accepted by ISO as the latest C++ standard ISO/IEC 14882:2024 For a useful summary of features see https://www.cppstories.com/2024/cp...
[3 replies] Last: Note that something like for (auto& elem : getVector()) has always b... (by Peter87)
by helios
Unpopular opinions (1,2)
The plural of "layoff" is "layoves". Every non-pressurized drink should come in a bag, as it's a much more efficient packaging (assuming it must be disposabl...
[25 replies] Last: Oh, interesting. I should have at least looked up the Wiktionary defin... (by Ganado)
Another one bites the dust
Codeproject has joined those other great sites that have gone to the cloud. It's ceased to host new content and displaying existing content is limited to the fi...
[no replies]
Windows water mark now appears on desktop
I was messing around with some programs. Not sure what happened but there was now a watermark saying to activate windows. Said go to settings which I did. Then ...
[1 reply] : Definitely run a full virus scan (Windows Defender will do), but it is... (by Duthomhas)
  Archived months: [oct2024] [dec2024]

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