Neat. I wish there were more statistics to view, though.
In particular, I'd like to see a big list of everyone's post count. Then we could find how many people there are that sign up, (beg for/demand) the solution to one homework question, and then never return. Subtract that from the total number of users, and you have the number of "real" users... We can celebrate when THAT value hits 1000 ;-)
man there are a freaking TON of people asking for answers to their homework problems today. It's insane!
I don't even bother looking at their code if they don't follow directions and use the code tags.. you wouldn't believe how many of them are just slamming their fingers on the keyboard to register a username, only to put some lame "oh god plaesssse halp meeh halp halp oh halp" as the subject of their message, instead of their actual question... jeez
The thing is I assume that the homework is based on what has been taught in the classrom for that day/week/term/semester... so what have some of them been doing during that time, sleeping? goofing off, daydreaming?
or is it the quality of teaching?
I wouldn't say it was the quality of teaching. Even though alot of people are quick to blame their tutors. Most courses are designed so the tutor gives you the basic fundamentals (e.g this is an IF-Else Statement, While-Loop) and gives you some good resources to find more information. From this point they will issue you an assignment to utilize the fundamentals they have taught you, but also require some self-thinking (OMG I know!). This having to problem-solve is where most students begin to complain/cry and criticize because of their own inability to think outside of the box. I ultimately, don't think it's the tutors fault that alot of people post questions on here for homework; It comes down to student lazyness; wanting an easy grade.
Yea, I've only been here 2 weeks more than you bnbertha. I am happy to help people who ask questions the smart way, include code (in tags) and have given it a good go themselves.
Someone who comes on and says "do this pls, email it to me at [email protected]" I am not even going to waste my time. Perhaps a selling homework answers would be a viable business :P
@Zaita: Well, in big business this making-someones-homework is called "outsourcing of software development", isn't it? And it's a perfectly respected way of earning money ;-)
Maybe students are even better customers because the requirements are clearly defined!
@dwk. Agreed, so lets start charging them for it :P
Surely, There'd be a limited number of stock problems given out to solutions (e.g make a grade program =\). Have answers for each (takes a prof dev like 10mins to complete) and run it through a basic obfuscater :P $25USD pls!
I thought about it also but it is illegal, at least in Europe. And it is illegal for both the student and the guy who sells it...
But if it wasn't it would be a great job :P