Yes, I am now calling to know wtf you mean by "true", since apparently something can literally not be real and still be true by your definition. |
However, I reject your imagination, tell you your axioms are false, therefore y is not true. |
They are assumed true by definition. |
show you logical and reasoning steps it did to do so |
Do you only know tautologies with certainty? |
You've given me an impossible standard by which you would know things for 100% certainty such that I can never prove to you whether an LLM can reason. |
why would you trust that we are actually capable of identifying reasoning systems? why would you trust that we are capable of accurately dissecting the inner workings of LLMs? or why would you trust that humans could actually reason such that we could deduce any fact from the information given (hence we couldn't trust ourselves to figure out whether or not LLMs exist, even if we had all the necessary facts to do so and more)? |
Absolute nonsense, as we know eyewitness testimony is the least credible form of evidence. |
You'd know for 100% certainty there are 2 apples in the box, then the magician will pull out a 3rd one and your entire method for determining truth and facts will literally be blown to bits. |
The question writer didn't tell you that the machine can reason, they only wrote perfect questions. |
Say you have Hitler (or his protege Trump), someone you don't wanna treat with any dignity or respect for. You'll now say they don't reason? |
Not only that, but you then completely contradicted this very claim by saying you'd believe for a fact there are two apples in a box if you saw it - something you can easily be fooled into seeing. |
I never thought a conversation would come to such a dead-end with you, as our past debates usually gave me some kind of new perspective to think about (even if I disagreed with it), which is rare. |
This is why I say you need to go read instead of arguing with me. We can't have a discussion on this topic if you don't even know what truth means in logic. |
A=A is a true statement |
I'm not going to develop a whole new system of mathematics just to please your sensibilities. |
Both statements mean the same thing. |
What you mean to say is that it spits out a string of characters that does not necessarily have any relationship to its internal workings. |
I know I'm currently alive, and that I'm feeling what I'm feeling |
But my point is that a questionnaire won't convince me in the least. You may as well not do anything, and it's equally compelling |
Reverse engineering methodology is inherently scientific |
As long as the conclusions follow from the methodology and the experiments are repeatable, it's fine |
It's not eyewitness. I'm looking at the box. I can see there's two apples in it. |
That wouldn't change the fact that when I looked there were, in fact, two apples inside the box. |
I don't think it's a good idea |
I can much more confidently believe there are two apples inside a box after looking at the box than that there are no white sheep in all of Scotland after conducting a sheep census |
Well, I would have hoped to inspire you to go read a bit of philosophy |
You completely misunderstand. I meant what is true to you. What standard is required for you to accept something as true? |
Again, this doesn't help if we're trying to solve a murder. |
This was never supposed to be about mathematics. |
In axiomatic systems, you assume certain axioms are true. However, they rarely are "actually true". |
EDIT: I should clarify this. "Assumption" has a special meaning in logic. It's what you take for granted to make an argument, without having to prove it. This is not the same thing as when one is discussing a matter of fact. "If we assume The Egyptians had prior contact with the Sea Peoples, then..." There's no fact underlying the principle of non-contradiction, or the parallel postulate, that we don't know the value of and we happen to assign as true. The act of defining an axiomatic system makes the axioms true per se. |
From now on, when I use "true" and "fact", unless otherwise stated, I mean true in the universe we live in - not a made up imaginary axiomatic system. |
We cannot reduce our universe to an axiomatic system |
Therefore, it makes absolutely 0 sense to talk about a complex enough topic in the realm of an axiomatic system |
The internal workings generated the string of characters. |
Why even bring up the mathematically impossible standard if that wasn't the level you needed to be "convinced" in the traditional sense? |
I also highly doubt you could deduce this methodology is logically sound through whatever set of axioms you hold true - because one axiom must always be that you don't have all the axioms necessary for all deductions |
Eyewitness definition: "a person who has personally seen something happen and so can give a first-hand description of it." |
I'd agree with you, but your own standards you've shown me up until now disagree with your claim here. |
If I say I only believe tautologies |
You then used these impossible standards to attack the testing methodology I presented. Well alright, you win. We can't know if a blackbox reasons by its output anymore than we can know if vaccines work by looking at patient outcomes. Congratz, you won. |
Not what's needed in order to know that it's true, what is needed in order for it to be true? |
You are trying to convince me that I don't know for certain mathematical truths |
You say you reject the axiomatic foundations that make the Pythagorean theorem true, so I say back to you, "okay. Sorry." |
This is may fault because I made the edit late in the day |
Do you think mathematics is ultimately an empirical science that studies some kind of metaphysical realm? |
this just makes it impossible to talk about mathematics with you |
Just anything that doesn't fit into the universe is false? |
in fact not a natural, since it cannot be stored in the universe |
I think the reason mathematics works to model the real world is because the real world is indeed based on strict, irreducible rules that are basically an axiomatic system. |
Why are you trying to mix them together, then? |
that doesn't help us at all to say whether it's true or not. |
Then you insisted that I know more things than just tautologies, and then that I don't even know tautologies. |
The argument may be convincing or unconvincing |
Yes. To someone else. An eyewitness account is necessarily an interaction between two people, which is what makes it unreliable. |
I just said that I don't know it. I accept that I can be deceived, or even plain mistaken |
I'm not equally confident of both those propositions. |
You're putting words in my mouth. |
With a vaccine you can run experiments and attain some level of confidence in the results |
No, I doubt you can be convinced that you don't know them. What I'm arguing is your own standards for 100% certainty would force you to not know for certain mathematical truths. Much different. |
If I said I believe with 100% certainty that the devil has sex with me every night, and I know this to be true because my axiomatic system makes this a tautology... Is that even worth considering? You cannot deny that such an axiomatic system can be created such that this is true and would have the same validity as the one you gave me for Pythagorean Theorem. If you try to argue one axiomatic system is more valid than another because of their relationship to reality, then you simply are taking my previous position. |
I know what axioms are. |
Only within that system must axioms be true. I do not have to assume them unless we agree to them. |
Mathematics tries to describe the universe accurately (AKA reaching truths) but they cannot be expected to account for every atom in the universe every time they need to deduce a truth. |
This is like asking if the universe isn't real because you can't fit the universe in the universe. |
I can't write down Graham's number? |
And again, Gödel's incompleteness theorem kicks in and tells you your system is incomplete or gives false outputs. |
I want to talk about truth and knowledge in the traditional sense, where we know things without needing to check if an axiomatic system rubbed our balls the right way. |
Elementary. If the blackbox outputs reasoning that has never existed before (and no cheating - like outside help 🙄), then that blackbox must have generated that reasoning. Therefore, the blackbox is capable of reasoning. |
you can never be wrong because you'll just say, "Well, I never had 100% certainty in it anyway!" |
This sounds like religion to me - with the believers arguing a point to the death, then changing their mind when convenient and claiming they were never wrong. |
You cannot tell me, "I was mistaken to be 95% confident when I should have been 65% confident" as that's not being mistaken because you were not 100% confident in your confidence level either. |
Why can't I say you can't trust patient outcomes of vaccines because: [...] |
They're one and the same to me. I know something if and only if I'm 100% certain of it. |
that doesn't tell you anything at all about empirical reality. Who's arguing otherwise? |
it's impossible to mathematically derive empirical knowledge. |
It doesn't sound like you do. It sounds like you're very very confused about what mathematics discusses. |
You do not need to accept axioms |
LOL. Okay. Sure, buddy |
The universe doesn't contain enough particles to express it |
If we understand that the universe's axiomatic system proves the universe's current state (i.e. "it is true that the current state is reachable from the starting configuration"), then the universe's axiomatic system being incomplete would just mean that there exist states that are conceivable but unreachable from the starting configuration |
Use a different sort of language to communicate what you want to say. |
You're assuming the conclusion in the premise. My whole point is that there's no criteria to detect reasoning from a string of characters |
You can be convinced by a piece of evidence of the truth of a hypothesis |
LOL, what? How is it religious to change my mind to fit new evidence? |
What makes me correct or incorrect is not how confident I am, but whether the contents of my mind coincide with objective reality. |
It's funny. I have a friend who gets annoyed when he shows I've said something wrong and I immediately just go "oh, okay, never mind then" |
but science cannot cope with the thing being studied trying to trick the researcher |
If you cannot know anything about reality through what you're saying, then there's even less logic in bringing up this methodology to try and see if LLMs or any blackbox can reason, as you'd never know even if proven through your method. |
So you admit you know nothing about the universe you live in. |
Do we not use mathematics to reach empirical truths? |
Do we have equations for gravity because it's fun? Or are they actually useful in deriving truths? Such as when an eclipse will occur? |
If you disagree, then you must provide me a mechanism in which correct and brand new logical reasoning can be generated without reasoning. |
Huh? Since when? Since when has evidence lead to 100% truth? Tautologies aren't built from evidence, they are purely true from forced reasoning. How can you prove anything to be true to the same degree of confidence as a tautology? |
It wasn't that you'd change your mind to fit new evidence, but that you wouldn't agree you were wrong about what you thought previously. |
What a strange way to say, "I'm wrong if I believe X and X is wrong". |
If the black box creators try to deceive us, it becomes a game of who has the most resources to throw at the problem. |
So I give it back to you: If you have 1 person trying to trick you from a study involving 1 million people, it just doesn't matter. If the resources goes up (now it's 500,000 people trying to trick you!), you can defeat this by having a trillion people in the study. |
I should point out that tautologies, while supposed to exist without axioms, still make assumptions in order to be true. They must. |
I believe this is related to the concept of the "problem of logical foundations" and Gödel's incompleteness theorem (since the system cannot prove its own consistency). |
Within the logical system you create the tautology it will be true, but you still must justify the logical system or I will reject it. |
You're repeating the same fallacy from before, that not being 100% confident is the same as being completely ignorant |
When did I claim otherwise? |
Mathematics is ultimately a branch of philosophy, and does not concern itself with what is physically true, only with what is deductively true |
So if I say F = G m1 m2 d^-2, where does that come from? |
It finds patterns in data and exploits them to generate more data. |
Did I say "prove to be true", or "convinced of the truth"? Would "persuaded of the truth" convey the meaning better? You seem to keep trying to catch me in a contradiction |
You forced me to clarify what it means for someone to be wrong |
If one person out of those is trying to trick you then one trillionth of the thing you're studying is trying to trick you. |
Tautologies are true because of the laws of thought, as I said earlier |
You will reject it? Now I'm the one calling you out. |
Someone might hand you two dollars and demons might fly out of your nose as a result. |
If you told me you're 95% confident that a black box could reason.. Is that good enough? Did I prove that it reasons enough? Is the goal 100%? |
If you're 99% confident, then you can still be a brain in a vat thinking nonsense. Therefore, you don't know which is which, making you ignorant of the facts. |
No one cares that you can inject a faster than light proton into Einsteins equations and they work fine, because that's not gonna help up us in the real world where that doesn't exist. |
Science - empirical evidence. |
The axioms we use in mathematics are things we've derived from the real world through evidence. |
Through "generalization", it can abstract the idea of multiplication and apply it to the new problem. |
How exactly can you be convinced of "the truth" if the truth is not proven to be true? |
Do you believe something if you're even just 1% confident? Is there a threshold? |
Can we just not have this idiotic system you've created so you can just say you believe X and don't believe Y without needing this song and dance? |
If you're a brain in a vat, there's no reason to think the laws of logic apply outside of your mind. |
I will reject it in your argument so I can maintain balance, not because I actually think it. Again, you've essentially proven to me that you cannot know anything for certain. You've argued that there are things you know for certain, and I'm saying even those things rely on assumptions, that I will reject since you cannot prove them to the same standard as the tautologies themselves. |
Maybe you're starting to understand how it sounds like talking to you right now. "X could be true... or I could be a brain in vat". How does that help? |
You're asking me to define your goal for you? Don't you know what you're trying to accomplish? |
the ultimate goal in a debate is to convince the other person of your position |
I'm ignorant of the ultimate facts, but not of all facts |
What consclusions can we reach if we take a theory and we follow it to its logical extremes? Mathematics is the same way. There's branches of mathematics that are pure, with no known application. |
Right. So you didn't deduce it from mathematics |
You're treating "reasoning" as a synonym of "intelligence". I'm not. |
if we're going to have any beliefs about the real world, we're going to be accepting arguments that are less can perfectly water-tight. To do otherwise is to be unable to live |
Do you think I have a little gauge here with a green bit that lights up? |
Tell me why I should ignore the real nuance of confidence just because it makes things more complicated. |
I don't what it means for "the laws of logic to not apply" |
Could you please clarify in concrete terms how a reality like that would work? |
On what grounds do you accept them in one case and reject them in another? |
Tell me, what's a proof? What's the purpose of a proof? |
Do you think a practical approach is incompatible with sollipsism? |