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  • I just cannot understand this driving be

I just cannot understand this driving behavior...

People where I live (NJ) are weird, but I’ve had this happen in places like NM too.

Today I was coming home in my big ol’ pickup truck, and the neighborhood streets are wide enough to park on both sides leaving maybe a car width and a half. Someone was coming my way, and there were cars at the pinch point.

I came to a full and complete stop.

The other driver then came to a full and complete stop also. And just sat there.

Like, WTF!?

I even gave him a wave as I passed by, but he was just staring straight forward, not even looking at me (or anything else, as far as I could tell.)

I drove through and came home, but, like, why?!!

Human behavior just gets weirder and weirder. 
Learn to drive!
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People try to be "nice" and feel rude when they take the right of way, not realizing they're just slowing everything down.
I have a hard time believing people are that stupid.
I don't lmao. I'm sure you've seen those videos of car pile ups on the highway from people who don't react to obvious accidents blocking their way.
True. True.

TBH, I am often kind of frightened by how, um, not...thoughtful people can be.

I think what bothers me most is how much more common it is than I had thought before.

Like that time I went to a drive through. High-School-aged teller, maybe older, order came to something like $11.80. I gave them a $20 and a nickel. That confused the snot out of that kid. Gave me back my nickel and two dimes.

I had to ask (person) to change it for a quarter.
Lmao, that's pretty funny.

It can be argued that it's not their fault; people have to fall somewhere on the bell curve of intelligence.

Some things your brain recognizes as simply "going to take too much energy", and it throws it away instead of thinking about it. This is important to save time and energy that can be better spent thinking about other things.

That bar is lower the lower you are on the bell curve.

Of course that's just my opinion, but I catch my own brain doing this. For example, when I first started playing Warzone (big open map game), I found that my brain instinctively dismissed the idea of looking beyond the bounds of what I could conveniently see to check for enemies (which I was use to doing in games with smaller maps, but the map was so huge and spotting people far away takes so much more time).

However, that's where you usually die from.. those random people watching from a distance from their cover. So I forced myself to check every pixel on the screen as I go, made me a much better player.

Having also worked with some special ed students, you find that some of them actually act very normal. If not for their poor problem solving and critical thinking skills, you wouldn't know that they were intellectually deficient just from a quick and casual conversation.

Then you apply that to people in general, recognizing that half the population is below the bell curve by definition... And you realize, yikes.

Maybe I got too deep into that.
Its always been the case that people just can't drive very well. The mobile phone era has made that notably worse, with the ADHD generation unable to sit for 30 seconds at a traffic light without busting out their phone and then not seeing it go green, or texting and not seeing the guy they run into etc. The bad driving here is ... incredible: I see people that can't turn onto a road without crossing into the other lane, can't move when the light turns green, don't understand 4 way stops, are completely mystified by roundabouts, can't stay between the lines, don't know to get over if someone is moving faster in the fast lane, follow too close, and dozens more just outright failures to not only follow the laws but to simply apply defensive driving and common sense safety.

As far as this guy, there are rules for 1 lane roads (whether natural or caused by an accident or obstructions). I freely admit I don't know them... but in that case ... common sense tells me that whoever gets there first goes on through and the other guy waits his turn. If its crowded, you alternate going. Can't be that hard, can it ?
people that can't turn onto a road without crossing into the other lane

In my slice of reality I have been "flipped off" more than once because I stop right at the line for a left turn and other drivers insist they have the right to turn and drive in that lane for 30 or more feet.
As far as this guy, there are rules for 1 lane roads (whether natural or caused by an accident or obstructions). I freely admit I don't know them... but in that case ... common sense tells me that whoever gets there first goes on through and the other guy waits his turn. If its crowded, you alternate going. Can't be that hard, can it ?

People don't know how to merge into/out of freeway exists either so...yeah, that checks out lol.
The other driver then came to a full and complete stop also. And just sat there.

Most drivers in my experience do "rolling stops," the idea of coming to a complete stop is against their religion.

Honestly I prefer to let the "other guy", full stop or not, go first since they are already dangerous enough.
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