I hate SO. It's almost totally useless if you want to ask a question, and oftentimes you'll find top answers that are factually wrong in subtle, critical ways. For a site that wants to pretend to be a heavily curated everything-reference, that's unforgivable.
All it is is an SEO mine.
The edit to claim std::format is a class is a bit risible. I was addressing more than std::format. There's more to the formatting library than just std::format.
The discussion had lain fallow for years until I mentioned C++20 and formatting library, and suddenly *BOOM!* Someone had to come along and pee on the answer.
Yes, several of the edits were mine. First time I made a comment at SO and tried to add some code to a comment and screwed it up. The interface makes it hard to do what I wanted.
@helios, I'm starting to agree with the "I hate SO" sentiment. The issues I had trying to get a comment added were a PITA.