I have been told if you know how to do stacks and linked lists from the C++ you should be able to use cpu sim however Im very unfamiliar with this software does anyone have any yt guides or anything (most are in hindi and I dont understand) I will be very grateful for anything.
I suggest:
1. Go to the home page of cpu sim.
2. Try slowing down the videos - those referred to there are in English - a fast talker but not good to listen to even slowed down
3. Google the instruction manual - it's there to be downloaded.
4. Contact the lecturer.
5. Google/Find another piece of software - it looks like there are plenty of choices
many, possibly even most, of their educated (read, programmers) speak (or can read/write it) english to some extent. If the web proves insufficient, you may be able to bridge this gap and find someone who can get you started. Google translate a guide and if it mangles it, get a clarification on the point that was messed up.