let's team up!

Pages: 12
Then how do you know it's useful and easy to use?

Because I have made programs with it like virtual dominoes. (I don't know how to put skins on objects though)

Also, it was used in the making of some PS3 and WII games and even rendering scenes for movies.
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I guess there should be some sort of contact info. PM me or cojones, I use Google IM, MSN, yahoo IM and skype.

IMO the first thing we should do is set up an hour and have a chat conference somewhere.

closed account (S6k9GNh0)
I totally agree. There's no reason a C++ community like this can't create something useful for fun.

Email: [email protected]
XFire: computerquip
MSN: [email protected]
Skype: computerquip
Lol, just kidding.
Lets re-implement LAPACK and BLAS completely in C++ :D
Then build a shell/script/GUI front end for putting MATLAB out of Business.
While building the shell we can develop our own Physics environment and Graphics environment that uses our awesome maths.
Then we can write some games (using our graphics and physics packages)...
Once that is going, chrisname can lead the team in writing an OS that comes packaged with these and implements the math shell as part of the shell environment.

And then of course...WORLD DOMINATION!

Hooray for scope creep!
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closed account (z05DSL3A)
"The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men..."
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Let's start for a meeting. First we need to choose a type of contact and it will be real-time. VoiP is not an option since we do not all have microphones. I'm voting for tomorrow (September 19, 2009) at 12:01 PM.

I'm also down for an IRC channel (#cplusplus), or MSN.
What about time zones? I'll bet there are lots of people here from all over the world.
gmt 0, gmt +1, gmt +2 so far. Please pm if you'd like to join, or just add us (look @ profile)
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
Hmmm... How about GMT +_ 0
"The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men..."

I like that book. Especially when Lennie breaks Curley's hand.

Anyway, turbozedd... there are some major problems with that plan, one being that I've never done any OSdeving and don't plan to try for at least 6 years...
I doubt we'd all be able to easily create an OS...but if we did I'd use it!

A game...would be interesting.

Either way, I'm demosthenes2k8 for skype, most forums, irc, aim, and steam, and I'm in EDT. I definitely want to do this.
I don't know if this has happened yet but once we get the date sorted I'm up for it.

GMT timezone here
We could try out google wave.
I say we take over Google.
They spelled their company's name wrong. lol.

I am good at database coding, can't do socket programming in C++, sadly(I can do it in Python :P),
I do a lot of bug finding, I can write some really good libraries for a lot of stuff, I would LOVE to make a programming language and an OS, that would be really cool.
I am currently learning the Win32 API library, I don't know Qt or any other GUI libraries :\

XFire: cdh473
Other XFire(sort of): [Tactyx|SMA]Gun
e-mail: [email protected]
Skype: cdh473
Myspace: www.myspace.com/cdh473
feel free to contact me ;)
Well I already have set up 3 C++ channels on IRC. So feel free to join.




/* I might add more later when I migrate to new servers. */

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Pages: 12