Nathan2222 - why are you ignoring my question? Is it so hard to understand? You said that you're basing your knowledge about god on bible. How do you know that bible tells the truth?
1) Which external influence are you getting (or do you believe God gives)? energy in the universe.
2) How do you believe they are or how God is influencing you?Energy influences all matter.
3) How well you would sleep if you saw evil, winged, black, red eyed creatures that could pass through you daily?I would close my eyes, I'm bombarded with things that pass through me all day as it is.
4) Why you believe you should be able to see God when when he gave you everything and asked one thing in return, you disobeyed?I don't, I'm an atheist.
Last edited on Mar 25, 2014 at 6:48pm by Canis lupus
Because the bible is the word. And the word is God and the word was God. And God is true.
Now answer my question 5. Explain the big bang. If you can't use science and (the how explainer) can't explain the big bang then almost all your arguements are invalid.
You say that bible is the word. It's not an information. It's some bathos. It may convience a kid, but not an adult. Bird is a wird, too ( ;) ).
Right now, translating what you're saying from talking about god to English, you basically said that you know that bible tells the truth, because bible is the god, or god made a bible. I'm asking yet again - how do you know it? You didn't answer my question properly. If you say that you know that bible is true because god made bible, there's an internal error in thinking there - you're basing your knowledge about god on bible, and you say bible is true because god created it. It's cyclic dependency that isn't solved. You only can say that your image of god is accurate, if you know that bible is true. And you can only know that bible is true, if your image of god is accurate. There's no beginning. You had to assume, or guess, one of these options to make another right. That's why your statement is false.
As for big bang - I don't know what this poor Big Bang did to you, but you sure seem to hate it. What do you want me to explain? That it's a theory that isn't 100% sure, but for now we can say that it's possible that it happened this way.
And excuse me, but it's you who's constantly ignoring facts. At the very beginning of discussion, you stated that evolution isn't fact(and that it's wrong). Evolution IS a fact. It's proven. Unlike big bang, which is theory, evolution is fact. That makes one of your arguments invalid - and proves you don't know much about science. Yet you're the one who's willing to say that all science is wrong(!), just because we're not sure about big bang... I can assume you, that even if it turns out big bang was wrong, airplanes won't stop flying. Science, unlike religion, isn't all depending on each other. If big bang isn't true, it doesn't change anything. It also doesn't change much if it's true.
Just to finish.
You (and anyone who believes what you believe) are a product of evolution, you evolved from apes, you are 70% similar to a slug.
I didn't evolve from any animal, I was created by God. I can not be a product of the inaccurate certainty that is science which believes ii evolved from an animal just because it bears similarities to me.
Like i said > 2 pages ago, i can't convince you. You can not convince me. Just don't tell me I evolved from anything. And just because you lack the ability to comprehend that which you can neither see nor wish to understand, that it applies to every child or adult. You are not the only adult in this world. Far more interesting people have this ability so don't generalize adults when talking about not believing in God.
Have fun with your A-Z logicality, you'll need it.
Explain the big bang, what caused it, how it came into being and if you can't explain that, there is nothing you can tell me about the "how-ness" of science that is right and it makes your arguements invalid.
As already stated, to ask for a cause of the big bang is a nonsense question. It's similar to asking "Why does the sun insist on stealing my lawnmower to cut my hair every morning?" or "What causes all the tables in the world to flip upside-down every Friday at 3pm Eastern?" The question makes no sense at all.
you evolved from apes [snip] which believes ii evolved from an animal just because it bears similarities to me.
If you want to talk about evolution... you should really learn something about it first. Otherwise you sound like a fool. Your perceptions about evolution appear to be entirely incorrect and do not reflect what evolution actually is at all.
Have fun with your A-Z logicality, you'll need it.
Have fun dismissing the merits of science while you sit in your comfortable home, typing on your computer, using your cell phone, driving your car.... and doing everything else you do in your day-to-day life that was made possible only through scientific discovery.
Nathan, you're so not consistent in what you're saying. Firstly you say, that men were created by god. But then you say, that I and anyone who "believe" in evolution(btw. it sounds like "believing in ability to walk")came from apes. So how is that? Weren't we created by god then?
And your whole discussion here shows that you don't really know what you're saying. Not answering the questions and trying to insult others, being proud to ignore facts and arguments, and inability to agree that you were wrong looks like I was talking to either some serious fanatic, that wouldn't believe me that cars exist if bible said that human beings can only walk, or some kid, who just shouts what he's been told and doesn't think twice.
Now i see why you couldn't comprehend free will. You want to be forced. I am not similar to you if you believe you evolved from slime.
I am not forcing the fact that you were made by God on you so don't do it to me.
I have no similarity to you if you have the audacity to type "you evolved from slime". That is your belief, not mine so please keep that generalization to yourself and your kind.
Actually, legitimate question. Were you raised christian? Or did you find it later in life. If it's the former, then what you have isn't faith. It's indoctrination.
I have no similarity to you if you have the audacity to type "you evolved from slime".
Is it more audacious and/or arrogant to think we "evolved from slime" than it is to think we are the single most superior form of life in the universe and are the most favored and the center of all creation?
Because the latter sounds extremely arrogant to me.
Unless you found it on your own, you are just parrotting what you've been taught. That's not faith.
edit: faith is conviction to things unseen. If you grew up around church, you were shown the things you believe and told they are truth. You are, by it's definition, indoctrinated with your beliefs. However, if you were born and lived a secular life, discovered the christian faith, and then found it to be true. You haven't been indoctrinated, you came to that conclusion on your own.
not neccesarily. i was raised christian but did research on it because i wasnt fully convinced and came to find that i did believe. im not saying it cant happen, but just because you were raised in something that doesnt mean you cant believe in it