Jobs - 2015 archive (Page 2)

Medical Imaging Scientist (Algorithm C++)
Location: Florida, U.S.A Salary: Based on Experience One position for a client company and the department: Sr. Engineer (Software - C++ Programming cum Algor...
[no replies]
by AlexKr
C++ developers team is looking for projects
Hello! C++ developers team is looking for interesting projects of any complexity. More than 10 years experience in development of desktop applications, se...
[no replies]
C++ code developer
Looking are looking to improve and expand an existing software that was written using TCAD for VCL from Code idea and was compiled using C++ builder. Basically ...
[no replies]
by Wpgn
LF a developer to help convert or update src
Hello All, I have a lot of out dated Visual C++ 4.0 source files that I wish to be updated to latest Visual C++ or even port over to Delphi language. Base Re...
[no replies]
[2 replies] Last: number_of_days_in_a_year... (by integralfx)
Website Design Company in UK,India,Canada,Singapore,Malaysia,Europe,Australia
Ave Infosys is a leading company in website design,SEO. We are a Hyderbad company based in india, Montreal,India providing Custom For More Details Ple...
[1 reply] : my name is Amin from Indonesia what kind of the term and certainly? (by John Mac Makrove)
just want to know
I am computer science student,I want to know what kind of job I can get with degree in computer science
[1 reply] : Depends on what field you're focusing in. Think of computer science a... (by Little Captain)
Looking for C++ tutor
Any good youtube C++ tutor channels?
[1 reply] : I offer tutoring. Email me at: [email protected] This is the... (by Little Captain)
We are looking for Embedded Enthusiasts (f/m)!
On behalf of ESRLabs AG we are currently looking for a Embedded Software Developer (f/m), focus: Automotive About the company: E.S.R. Labs is a company f...
[no replies]
Web Design Company in UK,Australia,Canada,Singapore,India,Europe,Hyderabad
Ave Infosys providing Web Design and Development, Digital SEO Marketing and Cloud Based Services. Based in Hyderabad, services India-wide. For More Details...
[no replies]
Looking for some beginner to intermediate level paid proggramming project
I'm Computer Science student currently pursuing my Bachelors and have completed 2 years. I've studied C,C++,Java and little bit of Android so far. I'm very much...
[no replies]
POS C++ Expert
Hi I have a friend who is leaving a job in Dayton Ohio, and he needs someone to replace him who is a Point of Sale C++ developer. If interested please ca...
[1 reply] : -- Removed -- (by S G H)
Need Help- Paying debugger
[1 reply] : JOB COMPLETED (by Kmort1990)
Information interview
I am a college student looking to interview a professional computer programmer on the phone or email. Please help me out it will be quick and I really want to l...
[no replies]
Top Website Designing Company in Canada,India,USA,Malaysia,Hyderabad
Ave Infosys is a web design & search engine optimization (SEO) internet marketing company based in Hyderabad,India For More Details Please contact: 040 40...
[no replies]
Website Designing Company in Hyderabad,India,UK,Malaysia,Canada,Singapore
Hyderabad web design and web development company that offers website design and development services. For More Details Please contact: 040 40275321 ...
[no replies]
C++ Developer, gambling industry in Germany
Dear C++ community, for a C++ Project for a Client in the gambling sector I am looking for a freelance developer with experience in the G2S protocoll. No...
[no replies]
Senior C++ Software Engineer at Proprietary Trading Firm in Chicago
Title: Senior Software Engineer Description: As Senior Software Engineer, you will join our interdisciplinary team to conceptualize and author the technolo...
[no replies]
Ave Infosys Best Hyderabad Web Design Company With Professional Experienced IT Developers
Ave Infosys is a leading Digital Marketing Agency in India, specialising in the internet marketing, design development of websites For More Details Pleas...
[no replies]
by dsaim
C++ packets
Hey, i search for a c++ programmer to debug me connections bettwen cient and server.
[3 replies] Last: hi, is the job still available? Do you need a kind of customized pack... (by ilroci)
Year 2015 Pages: 1234... 10
  Archived years: [2014 archive] [2016 archive]

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