Jobs - 2014 archive (Page 9)

Need help compiling an old Borland C++ Project
This is as far as I have got: All the code seems to be compiling after editing, just gets stuck on linking, if anyone can help un...
[6 replies] Last: Okay. Look in ..\LIB200 and see what's there. Maybe there is a bunch ... (by dhayden)
DVR App using C++ SDK
Our old DVR software is XP only and has been put out to pasture. It needs to be completely re-written to support Windows 7/8/... Looking for a new C++ progra...
[no replies]
C++ Developer for top company in Berlin - Visasponsoring
My client, a spin-off of the Hasso- Plattner- Institute for IT-Systems engineering, develops solutions and products that support software-developing companies i...
[no replies]
by Danya
I need expert in C++
I'm looking for now 02 Developer in C++ in senior level. Candidate profile: - Vietnamese - At least 5 years of experience in C++ application development. - S...
[no replies]
[HCM] .NET Software Engineer (SE & SSE) @KMS Technology
Responsibilities: The winning candidate will join various software development projects at KMS. The responsibility includes: designing, coding, troublesho...
[2 replies] Last: Dear Mr. Amol, Thank you for your interesting in our job. Regards, ... (by KMSRecruitment)
[Ho Chi Minh] C/JVM/J2ME Developer
Location: Vietnam - Full-time-(Vietnamese only) Opened on: May 9, 2014 Job Description: Developing firmware for a smart portable device by working on...
[no replies]
Looking for cheap devolepers to edit a new game/source code
Good afternoon everyone, I am looking for devolepers c + + to edit one source code in an online game.Those interested can contact me by skype. jobs are fairly s...
[3 replies] Last: If you're still looking for volunteers contact me: amllamojha at hotma... (by amllamojha)
Looking for C++ Coder Regarding Data Structures
[6 replies] Last: Please look at the dates and the actual posts that the OP has made bef... (by giblit)
C++ Tutor/Mentor available
A little bit about me: I have been a programmer for seven years and a C++ programmer for about four or five of those years. Although C++ is my strong point,...
[no replies]
by Monroe
This girl dreams of a C++ man... are you the man for me?
Hello, I'm a Stanford University student studying business. I want to start my own technology firm when I finish my studies and have decided to learn to code...
[14 replies] Last: "I thought this was eharmony for a sec... " lol, yeah my first tho... (by CodeAssistant)
Software Engineers 2-6 years exp. Job Location Delhi NCR
Hiring software engineers with 2-6 years of experience in C++ and linux. If worked QT will be an add on. You can mail your profiles at [email protected]
[no replies]
CGC Project Looking for developers
Hi, I'm looking to get a team together to build the CGC project. CGC is a Competitive Gaming Community that allows on-line gamers to arrange matches versus o...
[1 reply] : Hi, I am interested in the same, Can you please contact me at ritesh_... (by riteshvaswani)
Need free help with text based game
Me and a couple friends are attempting to make a text based game with about a months worth of c++ knowledge. we are relatively fast learners and would like a pr...
[19 replies] Last: [quote=naraku9333]And BTW since we're already off-topic, why was your ... (by BHX)
I need some help in a class called CS192 Programming Essentials
I don't have the smallest ideal on what I'm doing in this class, but I have 7 long weeks of frustration. Can anybody help me?
[6 replies] Last: I tutor people in C++. Email me at: [email protected] I hope... (by Little Captain)
Data Encryption
Hi All, I need to know the following suggestion is technically possible. say we have a data encryption key generate mechanism which is capable of generati...
[3 replies] Last: Google " cryptography with rolling key ", you should be able to find w... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
I would like a tutor
Hi, I just began C++ this year (senior year of high school) and I'm very interested in programming so far. The only problem is that my teacher does nothing but...
[3 replies] Last: I find that it really helps learning about the same part again but fro... (by TheBeardedQuack)
[FULL TIME-ON SITE] iDreamSky@Shenzhen looking for C++ and Engine Programmers!
Tempted to explore China? We are proud to announce having 10 nationalities on board already! If you would like to increase this number to 11, please send you...
[no replies]
free help
Is anyone offering free help? I could really use it I have finals coming up and need some help. PM me if you can (must have skype)
[1 reply] : i can help (by Little Bobby Tables)
C++ Developer at Microsoft
hi, would you leave an email address? i'm interested... davy
[4 replies] Last: I should have reported it when I saw the iPhone, Mac, iOS remarks, but... (by BHX)
Looking for volunteers for a new sandbox game
Looking for volunteers(volunteer meaning not paid) for a game. You will however, be in the credits of the game and will get money if the game goes up in the app...
[6 replies] Last: I am absolutely ready to volunteer, pm or contact me at : ahsan810@liv... (by ahsan810)
Year 2014 Pages: 1... 7891011... 14
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