Jobs - 2014 archive (Page 7)

Experienced C++ Developer Position at a Chicago Proprietary Trading Company Careers->Trade Software Engineer
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Looking for smart developers
If ( yourSmartness > averageSmartness && // you are smarter than average -INF < yourInterest.area<= INF && //you are interested in just about anythin...
[no replies]
Form Designer for a small project
In my Qt project there are about 5 forms that have to be filled in a sequential manner by the user. Also, the entries of the forms are dynamic, meaning the numb...
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Full-time High School Programming Teacher - Alabama
I'm a former chemical engineer that is now teaching engineering to high school students at a public vocational school in north Alabama. I'm helping scout for a ...
[1 reply] : Hi cwigginton, I would like to get in touch with you for more details... (by Daniel Armengod)
Looking for tutors.
Looking for tutors.Looking for tutors.Looking for tutors.Looking for tutors.Looking for tutors.Looking for tutors.Looking for tutors.Looking for tutors.Looking ...
[3 replies] Last: LOL (by writetonsharma)
[Viet Nam] Looking for Engineering Manager
Job Summary: Engineering managers coordinate all functional aspects of project team initiatives Requirements gathering, Design, Development, Quality...
[no replies]
[Vietnam] C/JVM/J2ME Developer
Location: Vietnam - Full-time Opened on: May 9, 2014 Job Description: Developing firmware for a smart portable device by working on a customized ...
[no replies]
Seeking advice on developing a basic expert system
Hi all, I have identified a requirement in my company for a knowledge base and I am looking for help in developing a pattern to do the following: An app with ...
[9 replies] Last: Sounds like you'd be modeling it based on something like this: http:/... (by Stewbond)
I have a confession
Ive been programming in c++ for about 2 years now... and your not going to believe me.. but i have never used classes or any advanced topic in my programs... I'...
[10 replies] Last: Like you, I started with C-looking code. I only started to use class... (by Stewbond)
C++ Tutoring available
If you are looking for tutoring in c/c++ programming, I can help you at a reasonable cost. Send me a message on here a we will go from there.
[1 reply] : hi, i want one..i want to create a software with c++ codes..please tea... (by alfredokang)
C++ jobs in New York
Hi everyone! I work for a leading financial technology staffing firm based in New York City, and we're on the lookout for strong C++ developers for a variety of...
[2 replies] Last: Gevorg, Unfortunately it's not. All the roles are based in the NY/NJ... (by OpenSystemsTechnologies)
Looking to refer someone to a tutor
Hi all, I'm tutoring students in C++ - several already and I recently came across a student that doesn't know much about C++. He is in College already and d...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for all the replies and emails, everyone. He seems to have fou... (by Little Captain)
Software Engineer Post - UK
Software Engineer Post Information : Location : United Kingdom Salary : Competitive Qualification / Experience Required: Strong record in commercial C...
[1 reply] : Hi, I am interested. My email address is: [email protected]... (by abbash)
[KMS Technology] Looking for Senior DBA
Location: Vietnam - Full-time Opened on: July 08, 2014 Experience in design and working with complex multi-tenant Data Warehouse systems Exp...
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2D MORPG - Severed World
Project Summary Severed World is a hack'n'slash 2D ORPG with a linear, quest heavy world. Players travel through regions based on various cultures, from ...
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by extra
Work on a Windows App
A good C++ programmer needed to help with an existing Windows 8 App. The App is functional and currently in the windows store with positive reviews. I need t...
[2 replies] Last: Hello Code Assistant. Please check the app from this page: www.appym... (by extra)
Immediate Hiring for Sr.Software Developer - Broadcom Network Processor - International Candidates Encouraged to Apply
Our client in Montreal Canada is looking to hire a Senior Software Developer to join their growing and dynamic team in developing leading edge real-time softwar...
[no replies]
Immediate Hiring for Senior Software Developers in Canada - International Candidates Encouraged to Apply
Our client in Montreal Canada is looking to hire a Senior Software Developer to join their growing and dynamic team in developing leading edge real-time monitor...
[no replies]
ArmA 3 Completly custom Server
Hello, My name is Jigsaw. I am the owner of New World Order gaming. At the moment, I am in the process of making an ArmA 3 life server. I have a full team of p...
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High Profile Person Needs C++ programmer
Hi there, I represent a certain high Profesional that is looking for a discreet, well versed, good programmer to work with on new project. Preferably someone ...
[1 reply] : Hi, I have several years experience in C++ programming.I can do this... (by kitturnd)
Year 2014 Pages: 1... 56789... 14
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