by candarine
BAE Systems is looking for a Software Engineer in Portsmouth, UK
[no replies]
by katkov
Требуется программист p2p-сетей C++/Qt на постоянную удалённую работу
[no replies]
by X1Zezeri
[Remote] C++ Programmers
[no replies]
by katkov
Требуется трудолюбивый программист на C++/Qt/QML для разработки UI
[no replies]
by gopal2773
Project Switching
[3 replies] Last: If I move to another company, they need the experience candidate in on... (by gopal2773)
by oleg9419
First Steps for Student
[no replies]
by candarine
Ohjelmistokehittäjiä (Software Engineers)
[no replies]
by clfaustus
Lead Programmer for Strategy RPG
[no replies]
by amaraven
Looking for C++ Jobs
[no replies]
by katkov
Требуется программист со знанием архитектуры mesh сетей
[no replies]
by hypsin
Looking for a Java tutor!!
[1 reply] : I'm definitely not a Java expert, but I will do my best! I've sent yo... (by Little Captain)
by Collwyr
Looking for a C++ Tutor
[2 replies] Last: I emailed you :) (by Little Captain)
by Oleksandra
Full-stack team of it-professionals (Web, GameDev, Enterprise) is searching for a challenging project.
[no replies]
by anin
C++ or C# Developer with GINA experience
[no replies]
by Hire Technik
C++ Programmer for Kennedy Space Center Job - PAID
[no replies]
by BaneX
Looking for a c++ tutor ($$$)
[3 replies] Last: Hi, I'll tutor you. Feel free to email me at [email protected]... (by Little Captain)
by candarine
BAE Systems is looking for an excellent C++ Software Engineer in New Malden, UK!
[no replies]
by candarine
Cloud Computing Integration Engineer
[no replies]
by haha01
C++ Code need complite it
[1 reply] : This would be better outside of the Jobs section. What exactly did you... (by Zhuge)
by candarine
BAE Systems is looking for a C++ Software Engineer in New Malden, UK
[no replies]