Jobs - 2014 archive (Page 11)

i need a code?
im looking for someone to build me a code that can be compiled into a Hex file for a PIC chip? it will be a small code that will go in to a PIC16F84 MICROCHIP ...
[7 replies] Last: I can write a program for you in assembly language for this chip. I ca... (by danielmccarthy)
Looking for a Mentor/Tutor
Looking for C++ tutor/mentor, I'm currently teaching myself from a book(C++ Primer from Stanley B. Lippman). I live in CST timezone and work a full time job, I ...
[3 replies] Last: Okay..You can try me (by alfredokang)
Wanted: Agile C++ Craftsmen (Berlin, Germany)
Hi, We're looking for Agile C++ Engineers with software craftsmanship mindset to work in a great multicultural team in Berlin:
[2 replies] Last: Hi, We are a professional C,C++ and QT team of software engineers. Yo... (by rajnagle)
Need C++ tutor
I am looking for someone to tutor / help me with my midterm review. Its a total of 10 c++ questions about loops/ arrays/ and functions . I was able to get 3 of ...
[2 replies] Last: kk... (by alfredokang)
Looking for C/C++ volunteers for a free and open 3D Game
Hi all, We are looking for volunteers (not paid), who wants to learn / share and push the game to the next level. The project is a 3D game (and the engine its...
[2 replies] Last: Here is the code / wiki. The current version was a test (0.1) of a FPS... (by aguperezpala)
by kabary
boruvka's algorithm c++
I need someone to help fix this program that implement borvukas algorithm that returns the minimum spanning tree of a network here is my code http://pastebin.c...
[2 replies] Last: I could help also. I'll charge one flat rate for this. email me at ... (by CodeAssistant)
Fortune 500: Senior Software Engineer - C++
This opportunity is in Danbury CT. We also have a similar position in Fort Lauderdale FL. Both will consider relocation candidates and offer great compensation ...
[no replies]
program for a toy
Hi! I'd like to start out by saying I'm not offering any money for this job. I'm just posting this if someone is bored and really want to try make something f...
[no replies]
In need of C++ tutor
Hello, I am need of someone that can tutor and help me with some programming assignments I am having difficulties with for at least 2-3 hours online after 9pm i...
[5 replies] Last: I have been writing an operating system in C. I am also pretty talente... (by danielmccarthy)
Mentor Needed
Hi, I live in the pacific northwest. I am teaching myself C++. I would really appreciate it if someone(s) out there might be able to share some insight into ...
[8 replies] Last: Oh, I read that wrong. I thought you said "Don't learn C++", my mistak... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Looking for C++ coders.
[1 reply] : I sent email, Contact me.. @cronopio (by cronopio)
C Programmer Services, Assigments, Proyect
Hi, i am a programmer in C and C++, with 8 years experience doing projects, tasks of course, homeworks, seriously contact me. email: [email protected] ...
[no replies]
Paying for console app converting to driver
hi, i currently have this listed on elance but wanted to post here also. i need the following console app converting to a driver so it will work as a drive...
[9 replies] Last: Nope, code first as I did not even give the code to you lol. I think y... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
Junior C++ Programmers - Hedge Funds want you in London
Junior C++ Software Engineers London, UK £50-90k pa + competitive bonuses I am working on recruitment projects for six Quantitative Hedge Funds in Lon...
[no replies]
C++ installer developer
Looking for C++ programmer that can integrate a set of installers written in NSIS. Estimated project time: 1 day More detailed description: 1. We...
[no replies]
by tdct08
C++ mentor
I am looking for something akin to a private c++ schooling. Everything from basic c++ to somewhat more advanced. If you have the skills and mindset to teach and...
[1 reply] : I would be happy to help you in any way I can. My experience includes... (by Little Captain)
Looking for a strong C++ developer
Monetas is looking for a strong server side C++ developer to help us develop and expand You can join...
[no replies]
c++ help ASAP please!!
Hi, I'm looking for someone to write me simple c++ code based on certain specifications given. Pay will depend on the length and difficulty of the code. I wil...
[3 replies] Last: Hi. I am actually tutoring various people in C++ right now. My pay is... (by Little Captain)
Software Engineers - GUI Development with C++ exp. required in Canada and US
Altera Corporation is the pioneer of programmable logic solutions, enabling system and semiconductor companies to rapidly and cost effectively innovate, differe...
[no replies]
Junior C++ position in Berlin
We have a job opportunity in Berlin, Germany, to work on both tv monitoring and forecasting engines. Please check out the job offer on our website : http://r...
[no replies]
Year 2014 Pages: 1... 91011121314
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