by owenkmc
[8 replies] Last: Haha, at least owenkmc just needed help in outputing. All the job was ... (by iQChange)
by ASQ19
review my program and it's logic
[2 replies] Last: email me at [email protected] Alfred (by alfredokang)
by fuzehr
C++ Developer (10 month contract)
[4 replies] Last: Hello, I am C++ developer with over 15 years of experience. Email me ... (by ammar)
by BrianCedar1
C++ Developer Openings in NYC
[2 replies] Last: Hello, I am C++ developer with over 15 years of experience. please em... (by ammar)
by lanadr96
Need someone to help me get this to compile!
[4 replies] Last: What version of visual studio are you using? It compiles directly wit... (by kbw)
by dstnd4grtns
C++ Programer needed for project willing to pay $300
[3 replies] Last: Interested, Please Send PM! What should be traded, what is automated t... (by Gero0)
by Ufo
Looking for c++ developers
[2 replies] Last: I am a senior c++ developer with 8 years of experience. I would like t... (by Shadow83)
Project - Looking for A Coder |
[1 reply] : Dear Sir, I did BE in computer science & engineering with distinction... (by golegaonkar)
[Vietnam] Senior C++ Developer @KMS Technology |
[4 replies] Last: Dear Sir, I did BE in computer science & engineering with distinction... (by golegaonkar)
by AboutYouPl
Zatrudnię Programistę C++
[1 reply] : Dear Sir, I did BE in computer science & engineering with distinction... (by golegaonkar)
by ddankin33
C++ Developer
[1 reply] : Dear Sir, I did BE in computer science & engineering with distinction... (by golegaonkar)
by abhishekm71
Refactoring C++ code to make it more extensible
[2 replies] Last: Dear Sir, I did BE in computer science & engineering with distinction.... (by golegaonkar)
by Titan
Seeking experienced C++ coders for new Orlando office of game-based simulation company
[1 reply] : Dear Sir, I have more than 7 years of work experience in C++, C#, VB6... (by golegaonkar)
by fuzehr
C++ / UML Developer (Montreal)
[2 replies] Last: Dear Sir, I did BE in computer science & engineering with distinction.... (by golegaonkar)
by cronopio
C and C++ Programmer Services, Assigments, Proyect
[no replies]
by NPrice
C++ Programmer - Chicago, IL (Financial)
[no replies]
by newbie2014
$20 - C++ program for beginner
[1 reply] : Hi, im interested, i have 8 years experience in C++, contact me: crono... (by cronopio)
by Slusheh
$30 USD - C++ Program
[6 replies] Last: Well, Thats business and you have to get used to it. In real-world thi... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
by Aestes
In need of a short program.
[2 replies] Last: Contact me, i'm interested. mi email: [email protected] (by cronopio)
by Ufo
Tool Engine
[no replies]