C++ programmer looking for small projects for experience |
[4 replies] Last: Hi Spack, im also interested in developing for indie games. i have al... (by katetsu)
by mirec
c++ programmer
[1 reply] : Hi there Contact Darryl at: Skype: pythonn2 Email: daza.daza121@hotma... (by vPython)
by vPython
C++ Programmer needed for medium size job
[no replies]
by lindaga
Software Developers (Houston, TX)
[2 replies] Last: I have some experience in C/C++/C# at least in the field of discussing... (by vlad from moscow)
by beaucmp
Senior C++ Software Developer - Newport Beach, CA
[no replies]
by brandonator
Volunteers needed for open source game. (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: Hi. I know some c++(not quite beginner, could say intermediate). I w... (by ProbePLayer)
by buerolersch
C++ Developer for Berlin based company wanted. Visa sponsorship!
[no replies]
by Banananas
Software Developmer
[6 replies] Last: Excellent! Can show your portfolio or examples of work? Can apply to p... (by Banananas)
by JIKakisina
Technisch software engineer C++ met affiniteit voor Internet beveiliging en Biometrie
[no replies]
by faieq92
[6 replies] Last: I can help Please contact me [email protected] (by cheyarman)
Text Based Adventure Game Job |
[5 replies] Last: If you're not the programmer, designer, tester or manager, what do yo... (by firedraco)
by barretino
We need a C++ programmer for 1 of many projects
[no replies]
Who wants to work with me ? |
[4 replies] Last: If you guys are interested in joining our gaming community, email me a... (by Spack1801)
by brandonator
Need Help Hosting A Game Online
[3 replies] Last: One good website is webs.com. One of the best. (by inc0001)
by mayur17
Hire freelance programmers, web developers, designers, writers
[no replies]
by BriSmith
C++ Developer, Atlanta GA
[1 reply] : 5 years , its a long run. (by boddusaipavan)
by KromMagnus
C++ Programmers/Engineers - Entry Level to Experienced - Games Industry
[no replies]
by Silvan21
Need C++ MENTOR [Soul Contract]
[3 replies] Last: I can surely help you. I already boosted two people from the very begi... (by jumper007)
by hrteamdckap
Walk-in for iPhone developers @ DCKAP Technologies, Chennai from 23rd to 30th Jan 2013
[no replies]
by RS456
Looking for C++ Developer with Financial experience (Calgary, Alberta)
[no replies]