by SAllen01
Vice President - Java / Database Developer - Global Investment Bank
[no replies]
by SAllen01
Principal Engineer / Architect for Largest Online Retailer
[no replies]
by stevew1
C++ developers / Quantitative developers
[no replies]
C++ dev team |
[no replies]
by numbplum
Request for a C++ tutor
[1 reply] : Hello, I have experience teaching in University Data Structures, conta... (by cronopio)
by consthab2
Remote job C++ MSVC developer
[no replies]
by relocateme
IT recruiting with a "railway speed"
[no replies]
by kzafar
Visual C/C++ Developer needed in UK
[1 reply] : Where is this job based? Are you still looking? (by Guy Radford)
by Spack1801
Indie Game Developer in need of C++ programmers!
[3 replies] Last: Looks like CryENGINE. C++ engine using DirectX. (by NGen)
by motapratik
Anyone have C++ Assignment Paid Work...??
[no replies]
by Guy Radford
C++ Sofware Engineer - circa £45K - West London
[no replies]
by Francisco1
I'm hiring Java Developer (Dublin)
[1 reply] : If you're looking for a Java developer; then why not go to a Java foru... (by drew887)
Batch Game |
[5 replies] Last: I would help too. Email: [email protected] (by EricNew)
by tpinon
C++ Tutor Needed
[6 replies] Last: i could do some of your codes and teach you at the same time online.. ... (by winstonmark8)
C++/CLI mentor/tutor |
[2 replies] Last: Hi you can contact me [email protected]. (by cronopio)
by BeyondLogics
C++ Coder needed for medium sized job
[2 replies] Last: Hi you can contact me [email protected]. (by cronopio)
by Sulaan
Need C++ Developer @@ Santa Clara, ca
[no replies]
by Shane Kerr
Software Engineer (BIND 10)
[no replies]
by bluecreed
C++ mentor needed for Coding Comps
[no replies]
by Blackfire227
C++ Tutor
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