Jobs - 2013 archive (Page 10)

Will Someone Be Able To volunteer To Help Me Learn C++. std::cout<<Please....<<std::endl; Skype:DrunkDriver666 Thanks
[14 replies] Last: Disch, I finally resolved my issue. You are right the binary does not ... (by closed account G309216C)
Need C++ Tutoring for College Degree
I am in my second quarter of C++ programming. I need major help learning the basics. Not looking for someone to do my homework - I want to know how to do this...
[3 replies] Last: you can contact me on my mobile +91 8181969432 or skype id :: missione... (by amitvns)
Looking for C++ tutor w/ perl knowledge
Hey guys, I'm trying to convert this perl script that someone else wrote into a c++ application and I need help. What I require is someone who is capable of ...
[2 replies] Last: visit if you need tutor (by amitvns)
by Zaaku
Search C++ programmer.
Hi, I create Dragon Ball OTS Game Project and I search a programmer to my project. I create my project with my brother and we are looking for programmer C++ tha...
[16 replies] Last: Yes, I have experience. I created another server on orther protocol , ... (by Zaaku)
by Trazzy
Programmer C++ wanted for GUI development
Hi all, A good programmer is wanted for MyGUI program and C4 engine ( who'd be able to program it really fast. The work is paid. Pr...
[1 reply] : How much Per/h And Can You Add More Information (by closed account jyU4izwU)
C++ Coder needed in San Antonio
Must live somewhere in the San Antonio to Austin corridor. This is a contract position for a highly motivated, disciplined C++ programmer. You will work on an...
[1 reply] : Hi, I am not applying but, for anyone to apply for this job. You need... (by closed account G309216C)
C++ | STL | Boost - major Travel websites: near Bath, UK
Ever wondered what it takes to mobilise millions of people in their daily travels across the UK and Europe? Create the technology behind next-generation onl...
[no replies]
Your partner for success from Vietnam!
We are the leading Manpower Supplier from Vietnam. Provide all types of manpower recruitment services and having a strong history of top line manpower solutions...
[no replies]
by iSoft
need A+ level C++ candidates in Beijing, China
海淀苏州街。了解更多信息请发邮件至 [email protected] 创业美企30-50万+期权聘C++开发-Linux,Win,mobi...
[1 reply] : 国内的也在这招聘了? (by evefree2)
by vpros
Assist and help with C/C++ homework or assignment's for students.
Basically i am an experienced and easy to work professional who assist and help with C/C++ homework or assignment's for students. I have many years of ex...
[no replies]
by Trend
Looking for Programmer - monthly fee!
Hello cplusplus-community. I am posting here on behalf of one of the biggest Gaming/Gamehacking Communities online. Since one of our main programmers had to qu...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Sounds interesting. Basically i am a multi talented Freelance W... (by vpros)
Junior level C++ programmers
I am a recruiter seeking C++ programmers with 0 - 4 years experience for developers position in lower Manhattan near State Street. My client is a prominent soft...
[no replies]
by vpros
C ++ programmer with solid experience available
Basically i am an experienced and easy to work professional who assist and help with C/C++ homework or assignment's for students. I have many years of ex...
[no replies]
convert program from visual basic to c++
i have a program in VB that i need to change to c++. It is a GUI program with many forms. It needs to be changed into c++ using visual studios if you are inte...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Pl check PM Thanks Ranjit (by vpros)
Finding apprenticeship
Hello there, I am currently a student studying computer science. I have heard that companies will hire those with experience over an individual with a bachelors...
[3 replies] Last: Learn Design Patterns, you can wiki them or get the book by the gang o... (by Zaita)
C++ developer - French Software Editor - France - Pau
Who Else recherche, pour l’un de ses clients, éditeur de logiciel à fort contenu technologique dans le domaine de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière, un...
[no replies]
looking to get a team started
hello, i am aiming to start a team of people to help me with my next project, no it is not paid. its just a team. i am making a game in c++, as i have made my o...
[no replies]
C++ Developer (Germany / Munich)
I am currently looking for C++ Developer for my client in Munich. Your experience: C++, good knowledge in MySQL, fluent in English and willing to work in Muni...
[no replies]
Talented C and/or C++ Software Developers required in Cambridge
About You… Or perhaps somebody you know A talented C or C++ developer who would like to earn up to £65,000 (possibly more depending on ability) working ...
[1 reply] : Hi, Even though I am not elgible for this considering I am only in Hi... (by closed account G309216C)
$6 per hour for tutoring/coding
As the title says,I can code or teach for 6$ per hour.In the past I worked on some 2D games,and spent a lot of time in 3D too. You can find some old samples he...
[2 replies] Last: hi,I tried to PM you but you haven't activated the pm option. Sorry,t... (by closed account zNb4izwU)
Year 2013 Pages: 1... 89101112... 18
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