Jobs - 2012 archive (Page 6)

Quant Research
Top systematic hedge fund is seeking an experienced quant researcher or systematic portfolio manager for their trading platform. Top systematic hedge fund ...
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Quant Research - Systematic Trading - Immediate Hire
Top quant trading firm is seeking quant researchers for the systematic trading group. Top electronic trading firm is seeking to hire a junior quants for th...
[no replies]
Quantitative Developer
Top systematic hedge fund is seeking a quantitative developer for their high frequency index arbitrage trading team. Top systematic hedge fund is seeking a...
[no replies]
by dys0n
Software tied to one computer?
Hello i had some software made for me by another programmer and i think he has put some sort of protection on it, so i can't use this software on any other comp...
[11 replies] Last: Here is the software guys, thanks. (by dys0n)
Trading Operations Engineer - Perl
Top electronic trading firm is seeking exceptional Perl developers with strong Linux/Bash experience to support the development and execution of automated tradi...
[no replies]
Software Developer - Quant Trading - Immediate Hire
High Frequency Trading firm is seeking C++ developers for their trading platform. Candidates should have 1-3 years of industry experience. Top electronic t...
[no replies]
Programmer Extraordinaires
*Perfect for new college grads!* Hey there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Expensify and we do expense reports (Google "expensify" to read more.) We...
[1 reply] : try bumping any of the other 24 identical threads, pl0x (by Zephilinox)
Quant Research
New systematic trading platform is seeking additional quant traders and researchers for their platform. Experience with equities, options and futures preferred....
[no replies]
by Alx101
Co-worker in hobby project
Don't know if this is the correct place to post this, since it is not really a job offer. I am looking for someone who is experienced in C++, Win32 programming ...
[7 replies] Last: To clarify, the hobby project is a game engine, not going to be open-s... (by Alx101)
Junior Accountant
Boutique principal trading firm is seeking a junior accountant to assist in their fund and subsidiary accounting. Role reports directly to CFO. Boutique pr...
[no replies]
OpenGL / C++ Senior Developer
On-site in northern Virginia with a rapidly growing small IT consulting practice: • Must haves: o C++ development experience with familiarity with the STL...
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by NorCom
Yes, we can do IT Die 1989 gegründete NorCom Information Technology AG bietet ihren Kunden Consulting und Softwarelösungen aus einer Hand – und richtet s...
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Database Publisher (m/w) für unsere Online-Plattformen eShop und simple system in München
Als Europas führender Systempartner für Qualitätswerkzeuge begeistert die Hoffmann Group mit ihrer Handels-, Hersteller- und Servicekompetenz über 125.000 B...
[no replies]
by aeigis
C++ Project for a Non Profit Org
Hello, SWGEmu has been a work in progress since late 2005 and is now a full fledged non-profit organization. We are looking for more developers to help us wi...
[no replies]
by Abacus
Softwareentwickler (m/w) im Bereich C++/Java-Programmierung
ABACUS – der Inbegriff moderner betriebswirtschaftlicher Software! Die ABACUS wurde 1985 mit dem Ziel gegründet, für PC's und Netzwerke benutzerfreundliche...
[no replies]
Need C++ - coder
Need good C++ expert for our company.
[7 replies] Last: more details please.... (by Jaimeuem)
Need C++ Professionals
looking for c++ with open gl in gaming projects, candidates with valid US visa, need to travel in 2 weeks, can send your profile to [email protected] f...
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by Ajanta
C++ with VE or IOS
C++ with IOS (Objective C xcode)- For enterprise mobile applications. C++ with VE - (cloud exposure required) - For enterprise applications. If candidate...
[1 reply] : Salary range? Company name? I don't send my resume to anyone whom I d... (by rapidcoder)
by gerfy1
Freelancing as a beginner?
I am wondering if i can do freelance jobs when i know if else statements, basics of classes, and functions.
[7 replies] Last: i am not interesting it.... thanks... (by Michaelve)
Qt/C++ Developer for an AI Middleware needed.
The MASA Group GmbH (located in Germany, close to Munich) is looking for an expert who wants to join our MASA LIFE development team. MASA LIFE is an AI Middlewa...
[no replies]
Year 2012 Pages: 1... 45678... 20
  Archived years: [2011 archive] [2013 archive]

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