Jobs - 2012 archive (Page 19)

URGENT: Full-time, Direct-Hire SW Engineer-GUI team Lead--Chicago, IL
Please note, this position is located in Chicago and is NOT open to telecommuting. Thank you, everyone! Email resumes to [email protected], please. Descrip...
[no replies]
Looking for C++ Developer, for one of the leading product development Compnay
Hi, We have an opening for C++ developer with one of our prestigious client, who is the world leader in Supply Chain management Exp: 1.5-3.5 yrs Position...
[no replies]
by Ioana
Looking for C++ Expert in Dublin
Hi all, I’m recruiting for Misys plc, one of the most important financial software providers and we are looking for experienced C++ programmers to work in...
[no replies]
C++ Coder needed urgently
C++ coder needed urgently to work on a project. Compensation provided. Cannot post details here, so please send me a private message for more information. Th...
[6 replies] Last: Well, I've had confirmation from the Morpheus I know and this person i... (by LB)
Looking for trainee
I am third year student (Wroclaw University of Technology). I looking for some intership or trainee, whatever paid or not. I have only academic experience in C...
[no replies]
Entwicklungsingenieur Embedded Software (m/w)
Entwicklungsingenieur Embedded Software (m/w) für den 3D-Laser Scanner FARO entwickelt und vertreibt weltweit computergestützte Messsysteme und -software, ...
[no replies]
by Imo
C++ Coder is needed
Hello, we are looking for good C++ coder, for help us in our project, if you want to take the job, please send us information about you to our email: admin@payf...
[4 replies] Last: This is spamming in forums jobs (by amkeabhi123)
2D Game Development
I am interested in joining or forming a small 2D indie game team. I have experience with SFML and DirectX9. If you are interested want to know more email me at ...
[no replies]
Security researchers and C++ developers volunteers accepted
Wanting to join a new and fast-growing project? Right now, Cheetah-Fast Services is asking for volunteers in C++ development or security researching (malware an...
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by Nexius
Looking for an intern
I'm a college student looking for an internship. Whether I get paid or not is negotiable, as I'm doing this for experience and reference more than anything else...
[no replies]
Jobs for programmers,translator and many more
Hi I can let you know the name of online company where you can get many jobs in a day, but you must be capable of doing that work. If anyone interested yo...
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Recruitment Agencies Karachi Pakistan
Alahad Group (Pvt) Ltd. Pakistan's #1 Manpower Recruitment Group is committed to excellence in the professional recruitment services, We work in close partner...
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Skyrim Online [MMO] Looking for C++ Devs
Note: This is volunteer work/hours Description: Skyrim Online is a mod for the popular game Skyrim, that takes the game's single player experience and turns ...
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Engineer Extraordinaire
*Perfect for new college grads or people who are bored with school and want to get started in the real world!* Hello, my name is David Barrett and I'm the CE...
[no replies]
Need VC++.NET/C++ Linux-Tuxedo developer
Cook Systems International needs a strong VC++/C++ developer to help us convert a VC++.NET application to C++ Linux/Tuxedo. Java and shell script a plus. Cont...
[1 reply] : Can I go to interview,but i am a chinese! (by blussjt)
Rookie in need
Hi I am a beginner at c++ programming. i want to take on any jobs to get more experience in programming, especially gaming. I am eager to learn and love to w...
[3 replies] Last: May I recommend Donald Knuth algorithm books. The Art of Computer Prog... (by sohguanh)
Internship opportunity in Seattle for a developper, technical enthusiast - iModel
iModel consists of an interface so that designers and architects would be able to interact with software just by using their hands iModel will use Kinect Tec...
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Recruitment agencies in Pakistan
Candor Group (Pvt) Ltd. is an eminent provider of Overseas Manpower Recruitment, Staffing and Employment Solutions worldwide. From single placements to total Ov...
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C++ Programmer looking for team
I'm looking for people who want to form a team to make a PC game. The end product will be sold and the profits will be split evenly among all the team members. ...
[16 replies] Last: I would like to participate. I can do algorithms for things such a... (by closed account zvRX92yv)
by mixamo
Engineering Manager/Director
Are you a stellar developer and are you interested in 3D animation? If so, we want to meet you! Mixamo is changing the way 3D animations are created, making...
[no replies]
Year 2012 Pages: 1... 17181920
  Archived years: [2011 archive] [2013 archive]

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