Jobs - 2012 archive (Page 16)

Java-Web-Entwickler (m/w) in Vollzeit (München)
Die aboutbooks GmbH ist ein 100-prozentiges Tochterunternehmen der Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck und betreibt mit die größte deutschsprac...
[no replies]
by lg22
CDI - ING/Concepteur C++ - Editeur Paris (h/f)
CDI – Ingénieur/Concepteur C++ - Editeur (H /F) Vous avez une grande maîtrise du développement orienté objet, rejoignez un éditeur de logiciel pr...
[no replies]
Can someone t ell me what exactly a constructor does thats useful? Email me at [email protected]/ OR PM me. or just leave me a comment!;)
[1 reply] : That's good, but the response time of any programmer that should be ab... (by Kyon)
Make Money, 600.000$ a year!!!
Hello guys! I'm on a project right now, its basicly making a Flyff private server. I can setup the server and everything myself, did it like 2 years ago so ...
[7 replies] Last: @crawling pasta....... u r right. (by aliravian373)
Filenet Developer with C# Expertise
An immediate opportunity exists for a candidate with solid experience developing and supporting FileNet ECM LONG-TERM PROJECT-CONTRACT opportunity in the SAC...
[no replies]
ORWO Net GmbH sucht Softwareentwickler/Programmierer (m/w) im Bereich Fotodienstleistungen
Starten Sie Ihre Zukunft bei einem großen Bilddienstleister Wir suchen Sie! Die ORWO Net GmbH betreibt am Standort Wolfen (Sachsen-Anhalt) eines der führe...
[no replies]
Unix Kernel Specialist UK
I'm a recruitment consultant representing a market leading vendor offering a telepresence software solution. They wish to hire a Unix Kernel Specialist with str...
[1 reply] : I'm trying to set suspend on my desktop and I experience the same issu... (by EmmaRoberts)
Programmierer für unser Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Team Gasaufbereitung (m/w)
Dreyer & Bosse Kraftwerke GmbH zählt als mittelständischer Hersteller von Blockheizkraftwerken und Gasaufbereitungstechnik für Biogasanlagen zu den führende...
[1 reply] : Das Land Baden-Württemberg unterstützt die Forschungs- und Entwicklu... (by EmmaRoberts)
Need a C++ coder to help with a game
Hello everyone, Eh, straight to the point here, I need a C++ coder to help me compile a source code which is then compatible to be mounted on a server and abl...
[6 replies] Last: I'm a Comp. Sci. major, and I'm using my Christmas break to do somethi... (by EmmaRoberts)
C++ Engineer position Milpitas, CA
Job Description: We are currently seeking engineers to assist in the design and implementation of our next generation product line. This is a full time on-si...
[no replies]
Get Jobs in Middle East.
Alahad Group (Pvt) Ltd. is a Manpower Recruitment, Business Management and Outsourcing Group combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities acros...
[1 reply] : on account of the potential risk of being murdered, I'd like to say "n... (by Jason Zhao)
C++ Software Developers - NYC
Eladian Partners is a global multi-asset class trading firm built on cutting edge technology combined with sophisticated quantitative trading strategies. We are...
[1 reply] : the salary should be noted first. (by Jason Zhao)
Alpharetta, GA - Junior (2 - 3 yrs exp) - C++ Software Engineers
I'm looking for junior level (2 to 3 years) C++ software engineers for positions in the Alpharetta, GA area. We have several openings available. If you have re...
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Sr. Software Engineer C++
Software Engineers can expect to work on pre-compilers, compilers, control system engines, data logging and analysis tools, automation applications, simulators,...
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Programmer Extraordinaire
*Perfect for new college grads or people who are bored with school and want to get started in the real world!* Hey there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We...
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Software Developer - High Frequency Trading
Top Chicago based systematic trading firm is seeking an experienced software engineer for their trading systems team. Candidates will work on a variety of syste...
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Software Engineer - Machine Learning / C++
Large buy side firm has raised a new fund and is looking to hire a quant developer to support the build out of their new trading platform as well as assist in i...
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Software Engineer - Quant Trading
Top electronic trading firm is seeking software developers to join their high frequency electronic trading platform. Candidates will work closely with senior pe...
[no replies]
by procom
Softwareentwickler Automationssysteme (w/m)
Sie suchen eine entwicklungsfähige Perspektive? Werden Sie Teil eines begeisterten Teams! Softwareentwickler Automationssysteme (w/m) Ihre Aufgaben: ...
[no replies]
Softwareentwickler/ Informatiker (m/w) C++ für Düsseldorf
Die FINOVESTA GmbH sucht eine/einen Softwareentwickler/ Informatiker (m/w) C++ für Düsseldorf Die FINOVESTA GmbH ist ein junges und dynamisches Untern...
[no replies]
Year 2012 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 20
  Archived years: [2011 archive] [2013 archive]

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