Jobs - 2012 archive (Page 14)

Recruitment Agencies in Nepal, Employment Agencies in Nepal, Manpower Agencies in Nepal, Staffing Agencies in Nepal
Recruitment agencies in Nepal providing talented workforces for placement throughout the Middle East. Alahad Group is a recruitment agency catalyst that aims to...
[no replies]
by jr2431
looking to "intern" or learn the tools of the trade
I've been really looking into programming and learning but I've realized I'm better at learning by doing and experiencing then just reading. I've already finish...
[2 replies] Last: Hey, I am also looking for inter job. Except, though, I almost finish... (by Ortonas)
C++ Developer, San Jose CA
Description: Great opportunity for a Senior Software Engineer to develop applications and components related to risk detection. Duties include...
[no replies]
C++/Game Programming Teacher
I am willing to teach anyone who wants to learn how to program in C++ as well as create video games using the SFML 2.0 API. Students will learn the basics of C+...
[13 replies] Last: Ressources are easier to create for 2D games, and while the math isn'... (by MrHutch)
Need Help With C++ Final Project
[5 replies] Last: If said psych major student ever gets into grad school, they will be d... (by Kazekan)
by ML380
Looking for permament remote job
-4 years experience of c++ development -Networking and http experience -Understanding of multithreading and synchronization -STL working experience -Master deg...
[no replies]
Senior Windows Software Engineers needed for permanent positions in London
Senior Windows Software Engineers - C++, C#, SQL Server, Agile, COTS Our client is a seriously impressive, eco-friendly and socially responsible company deve...
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C++/Game Programming Tutor
I am willing to teach anyone who wants to learn how to program in C++ as well as create video games using the SFML 2.0 API. Lessons will be conducted over Skype...
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Help with C++ final project (paypal)
E mail me i might be able to help you [email protected]
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Programmer Extraordinaire
*Perfect for new college grads or people who are bored with school and want to get started in the real world!* Hey there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We...
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Expert Software Engg Avalilable: C++,VC++,Win32 SDK,Unix
An Expert Senior Software Engineer Available to work remotely at a very reasonable rate. Key Skills: C++, VC++, Scada Protocols, Serial port communica...
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Software-Entwickler für Verkehrsüberwachungssysteme (w/m) gesucht
Stellenausschreibung Als integrierter Optoelektronik-Konzern ist Jenoptik in den fünf Sparten Laser & Materialbearbeitung, Optische Systeme, Industrielle ...
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Read file to specific character
I want to read file till $ and store it into arry and read next in the file till end of file how can i do this. IS there is any Function?? plz help Thank...
[1 reply] : cin>> into a char with testing if statements why is this in the job se... (by Aramil of Elixia)
Protect code from theft
I was programming in class the other day when someone asks me to look at their code, so I checked it out to see what was wrong. I decided to compare this code ...
[17 replies] Last: as i was saying write an encryption program in c++ that takes your fil... (by Aramil of Elixia)
C++ Tutor looking for work ($10/hr min)
I am a college student 1.5 semesters away from attaining certification in C++ and currently (unofficially) tutor students in my C++ class Lessons will be in ...
[3 replies] Last: bump (by GFreak45)
C++ developer : Hedge Fund : NYC
This is an ongoing contract Location : NYC Job Description C++ High Frequency Network Developer Premier Hedge/Investment firm in New York and Greenwich...
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Mitarbeiterin/Mitarbeiter für den Bereich Zertifizierung
Customized Semiconductor Solutions made in Germany. Für unsere Entwicklungsabteilung suchen wir zum nächstmöglichen Eintrittstermin eine/n Mitarbeiterin...
[no replies]
Looking for programmer with good knowledge of C++/networking and sockets
I need someone to create a third party program(packet bot), for a small unheard of game, i want it to have a simple GUI that will allow me to capture the ingame...
[4 replies] Last: pls contact me on mail [email protected] for more detai... (by jasfil)
Expensify Programmer Extraordinaire
*Perfect for new college grads or people who are bored with school and want to get started in the real world!* Hey there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We...
[no replies]
anyone able to build AI's?
Ok, I've always wanted to have an AI on my computer, not one that runs programs for me (although that would be awesome as well) but one that I can or type to, a...
[18 replies] Last: Yeah, because with writers already in the industry they already are fr... (by BHX)
Year 2012 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 20
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