Jobs - 2012 archive (Page 13)

Looking for an awesome Tech Cofounder!
We're Musiqbox and we live stream concerts. Want people to be able to watch concerts anytime, anywhere, on any device, and we want you to help us do this! W...
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Hello, I'm looking for work. I am a freelance software developer I am currently certified in Borland c++ and MC Visual c++. I am also working on my MSCD certifi...
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proram error
error .....
[1 reply] : Please please please format your code nicely between code tags. I've ... (by Veltas)
C++ Programmer Needed ASAP!! [Paid Job]
I am looking for an experienced hard/fast working C++ programmer to complete a project for me today. Please PM me ASAP for all the details. Thank you!
[2 replies] Last: Turn on your mail (it's turned off by default) and send me a PM. (by knuth)
by Aven
Need C/C++ Projects.
mail me at [email protected]
[no replies]
Java Anwendungsentwickler Lebensversicherung (w/m)
Java Anwendungsentwickler Lebensversicherung (w/m) für unsere Abteilung Anwendungsentwicklung in Coburg gesucht Die HUK-COBURG ist einer der großen deu...
[no replies]
Just a Laid Back Guy with the next Billion Dollar Idea
If you are interested in being part of my team let me know. This is the development of the next billion dollar app/widget idea and its proven already. I know ex...
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Senior Systematic Trading Quantitative Developer (C++, C#, Python) – Zurich, Switzerland
Senior Systematic Trading Quantitative Developer (C++, C#, Python) – Zurich, Switzerland Leading Global Systematic Fund – Switzerland – Zurich Compensa...
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Programmer wanted
We're looking for a programmer with extensive C++, Asp, SQL experience. QUALIFICATIONS: GUI development inventing/designing/building customer experience ...
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C++ Wizards Needed at Spectra Logic!
Spectra Logic is a data storage company who specializes in innovating storage technology. We are quickly growing and need talented and creative software enginee...
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C++ Freelancer / Contractor - Berlin
A C++ Software Engineer is required by my client in Berlin, Germany. The C++ Software Engineer will be joining a world class team of C++ Software Engineers ...
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Ingenieure Mechatronik, Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik (m/w) für die Software Entwicklung
Die Cuciniale GmbH ist ein schnell wachsendes High-Tech-Unternehmen mit Sitz in Lindau am Bodensee – gegründet von erfahrenen Managern mit dem Ziel, das Koch...
[1 reply] : Many thanks for posting this job vacancy. (by Robinwood)
Intrepid Tiger Studios is hiring!
Intrepid Tiger Studios is looking volunteers to help kick start our company! Positions below are filling fast. Volunteers that start with us from the beginning ...
[3 replies] Last: Hello, I am interested to find out more informations about this proje... (by IvanMolnar)
Software Developer Fabrication Management (m/w)
Sie zeigen Einsatz und haben den Kopf voller Ideen? Dann sind Sie bei uns richtig! Die NEMETSCHEK Gruppe ist einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von Inf...
[no replies]
Software Engineer - Machine Learning / C++
New systematic trading platform is seeking a top quant developer with strong programming and machine learning skill sets. Large buy side firm has raised a ...
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Pirate Entertainment, needs a lead programmer and assistants
We are developing a game in C++, we need someone to lead the process, and we need assists for him. We are an average sized team with about 9 active members that...
[no replies]
Making an bot aplication for the PC game cRPG (Game of Thrones)
Making an bot for the PC game cRPG (Game of Thrones). Details will provide interested persons. Experience required! Price and time negotiable (1500$ - 2000$). S...
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Superb Programmer Extraordinaire
Hey there! Allow us to introduce ourselves. We are Expensify and we do "expense reports that don't suck!" (Google "expensify" to read more.) We're getting crush...
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by rc1513
Senior Application Developers Wanted in NYC
Senior Application Developer Position available in Manhattan, NYC TransPerfect Translations was founded in 1992 with the following mission: to provide th...
[no replies]
Software-Entwicklungsingenieur/in mathematisch/algorithmische Verfahren
SMR zählt weltweit zu den führenden Herstellern von Fahrzeugaußenspiegeln. Mit innovativen Lösungen für nahezu jeden Fahrzeughersteller in Nordamerika, Sü...
[no replies]
Year 2012 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 20
  Archived years: [2011 archive] [2013 archive]

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