Jobs - 2012 archive (Page 12)

ASP.NET Entwickler/ Web-Entwickler
INTERACTIVE VISIONS AND BRANDS Du sprichst C# Du bist der Punkt zwischen ASP und NET Du bist in <form> Du arbeitest (schnell && genau) == true; Du nimmst...
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Entwicklungsingenieur/in Embedded Software
Reflecting Excellence SMR is one of the largest manufacturers of external rearview mirrors for passenger cars in the world. With leading solutions for all ...
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Want/Need experience
Basically, I want what most of the people posting in this forum wants. Now, my questions are as follows: -From what I have scrolled through, the jobs seem to...
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by skarla
about job.
Hello i am 15 years old. i am learning 19 days c++(1 hour per day), and 1 day html(1 hour per day). i am just beginner,but i know many things ,from that i h...
[7 replies] Last: @andywestken: The same old cycle applies. "Can't get a job without exp... (by BHX)
C++ Tutor/Developer Looking For Work
Tutoring: Exactly what the title says, C++ tutor looking for work. $15/hr base rate. Along with my service you are allowed simple questions at no cost direc...
[13 replies] Last: @naraku9333: See I never knew there was more than one C++ certificatio... (by BHX)
Hey, I am currently looking for a python project to code, and would like to have a partner. Basically I am looking for someone who has an idea who would like to...
[1 reply] : Please move your thread to: Also.... (by Catfish2)
Qubic Game's needs programmers
We are a hobbyist team and we need help from programmers in order to finish the project. We are making a C++ OpenGL3+ game. The game is in early development,...
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C++ Programmer needed
An great opportunity for a talented C++ programmer in the midlands UK. Get in touch!
[1 reply] : Hi, I am in UK looking for opportunity. Kindly send me your email id t... (by ksrk)
Full time job for C++ programmer in Lynchburg
Manufacturer of high-tech equipment is looking for a full time engineer. Check details at
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Programmierer / Web-Entwickler (w/m) in Vollzeit
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by myToys
Webentwickler/-in Java/Ajax ist einer der führenden Multichannel-Anbieter für Spielwaren und Produkte rund ums Kind. Bei uns finden Eltern einfach alles für Ihr Kind und Mitar...
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Can anyone copy a websites script, or replicate it,
Theres a certain site its not a massive site i would like my own version of the site whether its by copying the script or making a similar one from scratch eith...
[5 replies] Last: On Motzilla Firefox you can right click anywhere on the background and... (by JAM96)
C++ Powerhouse needed for Technical Lead in Risk. Full-time, Direct-hire Chicago, IL
C++ Technical Lead – Risk: Full-time, Direct-hire Chicago, IL Please email resumes with a brief cover letter to [email protected] Duties and R...
[no replies]
Extreme C++ Coders, look no further! Full-time C++ Risk Developer Position in Chicago, IL
C++ Risk Developer: Full-time, Direct-hire Chicago, IL Please email all resumes to [email protected]. Please include a brief cover letter. Overv...
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Hunger Games Video Game Project
Description I am a video game designer, and I require a team for the project I am currently working on. I need a small quadrant of game designers, and a coup...
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Multiple C++ Developer needs in Atlanta
Avery Partners is a technology consulting company based in Roswell, GA. Our client in Alpharetta is seeking multiple C++ developers for long term projects. We a...
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Programmers wanted for a new game/program
Hello im a small company looking for a team of programmers to create a game and a program (avata chat site). The business is small and looking for a good team t...
[7 replies] Last: my gramma is bad as well i have not long come out of recivery from a ... (by BHX)
Hello to all programmers I'm looking for creative people to create a large and complex project. Basic requirements of the employer: I need programmer who have...
[5 replies] Last: Problem is solved. Thanks for advise. (by hot pie)
Senior Visionary Developer / Designer. Basic £100k + Full Corporate Benefits Package - London
Senior Visionary Developer / Designer. Basic £100k + Full Corporate Benefits Package. Join a leading global technology organisation. Permanent role. Location:...
[no replies]
C++/QT coders wanted
The SecuraGeek Association is looking for volunteers in C++ and QT, whom are willing to assist and help lead multiple security software projects. Our current...
[5 replies] Last: Maybe you could you could make a game of if - else statements for a ty... (by Cantelopeman)
Year 2012 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 20
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