by Ozymandias0
C/C++ programmer needed
[2 replies] Last: i am 3 Year Exp C++ Developer. Email: [email protected] Skype: mo... (by motapratik)
by Hunt3r
Need a Volunteer Helper
[6 replies] Last: I volunteer for 1000$. Thanks (by Donanza)
by kchiring
C/C++ Browser Developer (to work remotely)
[1 reply] : I'm interested in this. ṼjD [email protected] (by Vijay Dalal)
by kquigley100
C++ Developers needed in Malaysia
[1 reply] : I can develop multithreaded solutions for telecom industry, and I'm an... (by Vijay Dalal)
by motapratik
Anyone have C++ Paid Work/Assignment/Project ??
[no replies]
by antoine32
[1 reply] : Hi, I am 3 year Exp C++ Software Developer.... doing Job in MNC of Ind... (by motapratik)
by motapratik
Anyone have C++ Windows/Unix Paid Work ?
[1 reply] : Okay.. If you have any paid work related C++ ,VC++ then let email.. on... (by motapratik)
by has
c++ programmer help need for an assignment
[3 replies] Last: If its Paid work then inform me on Email : [email protected] Skype... (by motapratik)
by SoftDisk
Urgent small professional consulting C++ Linux
[1 reply] : I'm not your guy, but here's a good place to start learning. http://w... (by SamuelAdams)
by saudjya
C++ Developer - NYC - Fulltime
[no replies]
by ZanayaW
Lead C++ Developer Job in Philly area
[no replies]
by LilHunch
Offering C++ One-on-one tutoring
[1 reply] : My company currently outsources most of our software development for i... (by ohpowsys)
by GFreak45
Proffessional C++ Tutor Looking for work
[1 reply] : My company currently outsources most of our software development for i... (by ohpowsys)
by rgktech5
c++ developer needed
[no replies]
by samsphilip
C++ with Unix, Low Latency : NYC
[no replies]
by samsphilip
C++ with Bond desk/ Fixed Income
[no replies]
by mrcodysmith
C++ Developers needed in Waco, TX
[no replies]
by Charcoalman
Linux Job
[no replies]
by Pter0dactyl
After 12th
[6 replies] Last: I'm intererted in cyber securities,designing and developing security s... (by Pter0dactyl)
C++ Developer Job! |
[2 replies] Last: This guy only has 1 post. I assume he's not coming back to respond to... (by Stewbond)