Jobs - 2011 archive (Page 7)

QUINTEC GmbH sucht Softwareentwickler (m/w) C++ für Warenwirtschaftslösung in Fürth
Softwareentwickler (m/w) C++ für Warenwirtschaftslösung Die Quintec GmbH entwickelt seit über 20 Jahren Softwarelösungen in den Bereichen Automatisie...
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by runka
Trainer Opening
We are a company based at Bangalore. And we have undertaken a project to deliver training for C, C++, Java, Data structures. I will list the details We have a...
[2 replies] Last: It is wonderful to hear that you like to teach but unfortunately I nee... (by runka)
SOFLEX Fertigungssteuerungs-GmbH sucht Softwareentwickler / -ingenieure Automatisierung (m/w) in Rottenburg
creating flexible automation SOFLEX Automatisieren und Organisieren Unser Unternehmen Wir sind ein international agierendes Unternehmen auf den ...
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Software Engineer – High Frequency Trading
Top electronic trading platform is seeking an experience software engineer. Candidates will work across the multi-asset trading platform gaining experience in b...
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Senior Software Developer – TCP/UDP Sockets
Top prop shop is seeking a senior software engineer to develop and maintain the low level components of their high frequency trading, including the distributed ...
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Internship Availabilty??
Just giving it a shot and asking if there are any internships available out there. I am proficient or familiar with Java, Python, C++, and C#.
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I like to work with C/C++ for free
If anyone can join me to your project as a trainee for free of charge please join me. i am very interesting on working with C++. i am a third year student in a ...
[8 replies] Last: I am also very much interested to learn practically C Plus Plus becaus... (by khinsander)
any company sponser for a work visa in europe?(VC++ developer)
hi, there, i'm an experienced VC++ / MFC programmer from china. i want to go to europe and earn more money. :D i can speak english & not that fluent G...
[8 replies] Last: sohguan, about world war 2 days, old japan empire gave chinese more... (by cndv3996)
Software-Ingenieur/in 3D-Grafik m/w (Erlangen)
Die GmbH entwickelt ein Infotainment-Framework um die Wiederverwendung von Software-Entwicklungen im automobilen Infotainment zu verbessern. Zur Rea...
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Systemintegrator (m/w)
Die GmbH entwickelt ein Infotainment-Framework um die Wiederverwendung von Software-Entwicklungen im automobilen Infotainment zu verbessern. Zur Rea...
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Software-Ingenieur/in Java m/w (Erlangen)
Die GmbH entwickelt ein Infotainment-Framework um die Wiederverwendung von Software-Entwicklungen im automobilen Infotainment zu verbessern. Zur Rea...
[no replies]
by GinaG
Software Development positions with MS US
Software development positions in the U.S. with the Microsoft Bing Software Mobile Team. Bing: Hopefully you’ve had a chance to experience Microsoft’s ...
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by wtf
Looking for jobs
Does anyone know what kind of job I can get as a beginning c++ developer in mexico?
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Software Engineer
please send resumes to [email protected] or call Arpit at 510-794-8099 Job Description: Must be proficient in programming in C or C++. Capable of low lev...
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C++ QA Engineer with Robotics
Please send your resumes to [email protected] Candidate will be designing, developing, automating and executing tests in C and C++; execute tests in b...
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by aidayi
Outsourcing c++ jobs on aidayi
We are looking for several c++ Developers to join our freelance market This is a perfect role for any c++ Developer looking for freela...
[no replies]
by Sheila
C++ Developer(Intex) - NYC / Charlotee, NC
Hello: Looking for a C++/Intex Developer in Charlotte OR NYC – Please send updated resumes [email protected]. Thank You. MUST HAVE C++ and INTEX ...
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Software Developer/Programmers: we seek creative minds!
I work for a medium sized software company, located in Toronto, Canada. We don't offer work visas, sorry . I have a few openings for software engineers/devel...
[1 reply] : Very useful info. Hope to see more posts soon! (by beemwilliam)
Wir sind eine expansive mittelständische Unternehmensgruppe der Süßwarenindustrie mit mehreren Produktionsstandorten im In- und Ausland und zählen mit unser...
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Looking for MS Visual C++ 6.0 Programmer
Looking for a Programmer for a Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Project. It is an existing older game project. Need consult, may turn into a paying job. the project ...
[no replies]
Year 2011 Pages: 1... 56789... 17
  Archived years: [2010 archive] [2012 archive]

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