Jobs - 2011 archive (Page 5)

C++ Senior Programmer
•Mastery of C++ •Unity 3D experience •Implement vital gameplay features such as AI behaviors, player control, navigation, steering, camera movement, vis...
[6 replies] Last: This post is garbage. The poster doesn't understand that gameplay p... (by mpurvis)
Required c
Hi All, Skill Description – C++ • Strong C++ experience. • Java exp./ knowledge be added advantage. • Strong Database & UNIX ...
[3 replies] Last: So many sad attempts at recruiting these days... No location, no deta... (by moorecm)
Experienced C/C++ Developer Telecommute from Europe Area
Required Qualifications: * 3+ years experience in C/C++ * created a NSIS application before * IE/FF/Chrome plugin experience * fluent in english (sp...
[1 reply] : I have 5+ C++ experience with top IT organizations such as IBM, AT & T... (by irhu 007)
Looking for c++Developer 2 posiitons in Wilmington and NJ
Looking for c++Developer for Wilmington ,DE , with Data bases , Oracle Forms, Oracle 9i and above and Oracle Advanced Queue. one more position C++ Developer ...
[no replies]
C++ Software Engineer
Position Title: C++ Software Engineer Type: Contract Location: Philadelphia, PA Position Description The Neat Company is seeking a software engineer to...
[2 replies] Last: Hello, I have 5+ years C++ experience and worked with Core and System... (by irhu 007)
by Lou
C++ Developers
I have a number of C++ jobs open in the Milwaukee, WI area. 6-12 month contracts with a possible perm hire. Contact me at [email protected]
[1 reply] : Send me detail email on [email protected] (by rupalisb)
by flaXen
Script editor / GUI needed.
I'm looking for someone who excells at GUI design and implementation to write a graphical editor front-end for the next version of my visual scripting language ...
[1 reply] : The project is interested. Send me the detail email at rupali_sb@yahoo... (by rupalisb)
Softwareentwickler (m/w)
Wir verstärken unser MediaSolutions Team und suchen zum baldigen Eintritt einen Softwareentwickler (m/w) Lumo Graphics ist ein dynamisch wachsender Softw...
[no replies]
Looking for C/C++ (Network programmer)
Hello, sorry for my dirty english! I'm looking for programmer who can code Socks5 server with BackConnect function (through Unix Daemon). Scheme: -Machin...
[1 reply] : UPDATE: Socks5 Server: - Works on Windows (Xp, Vista, 7) [x86/64 & al... (by Domenic)
by nowisi
Experienced internship in China
Hi,everyone: This is Elly from Ningbo Wencheng International Student Internship Inc Nice to meet you! This is a very good chance for your getting more intern...
[no replies]
(MMO)(Volunteer) Third Person Shooter - Planet Earth
Team name: Planet Earth Dev Team Project name: Planet Earth Brief description: Planet Earth is going to be an all out PvP game where people will choose their ...
[7 replies] Last: The sudden lack of replies makes me think we hit the nail on the head ... (by BHX)
Work Experience
Work Experience - UK Does anyone work for/own/know a company that lets UK students go to work experience with programmers? Sure, I might just be delivering ...
[no replies]
by lornaw
Senior C++ Software Engineer
Description: ANGEL Secure Networks is looking for an expert C++ programmer with Java experience to work on cutting edge security products. Candidate should be ...
[no replies]
Pixida GmbH sucht Softwareentwickler (m/w) C/C++ 3D Grafik
Die Pixida GmbH gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Ihre fachliche Qualifikation und Ihre individuellen Talente in abwechslungsreiche Projekte einzubringen. Wir suchen...
[no replies]
Multiple C++ Developers
This role offers the rare opportunity for a suitable candidate to obtain UK MOD Security Clearance which is a great door opener. Our global client is current...
[no replies]
Systec & Services GmbH sucht Developers (m/w) in Karlsruhe
INNOVATIV DENKEN, ENTWICKELN, HANDELN WIR SUCHEN KLUGE KÖPFE Die Systec & Services GmbH mit Hauptsitz in der Technologie Region Karlsruhe ist ein erfol...
[no replies]
Integra Micro Software Pvt Ltd Bangalore : C C++ PHP MySQL Perl PHP
Integra Micro Software Services Pvt Ltd Keywords: Project Lead Designation: Project Lead/Manager - C/C++ PHP Experience...
[no replies]
Software Engineer – High Frequency Trading
Top electronic trading platform is seeking an experience software engineer. Candidates will work across the multi-asset trading platform gaining experience in b...
[no replies]
Senior Software Developer – TCP/UDP Sockets
Top prop shop is seeking a senior software engineer to develop and maintain the low level components of their high frequency trading, including the distributed ...
[no replies]
by kozmof
Hi all, I started the indie games production team named "LAMBDA GAEMS" in Japan. Now we start to create the first work "Elimi Game". LAMB...
[no replies]
Year 2011 Pages: 1... 34567... 17
  Archived years: [2010 archive] [2012 archive]

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