Jobs - 2011 archive (Page 13)

by anon63
If any college students needing help with a cplusplus program thats pretty basic im willing to work for a pretty cheap price that is negotiable.
[3 replies] Last: email me at [email protected] (by jmbeaty)
Offers help
Hello, my name is Breno I am a student in computing. I'm looking for simple jobs to be performed with C / C + + or Python. Anyone needing help send me a message...
[5 replies] Last: bbbreno i need some simply programs done. i can pay you. email me @ ja... (by jmbeaty)
Computer programming interview: JAVA class
Hi, im looking for someone that i can interview for a class presentation for my java class. im basically looking for someone who had or is in a computer program...
[no replies]
12 midlevel C++ developers needed for poject in PA
Please email me your resumes if interested asap. at [email protected]
[no replies]
C++/Qt (Embedded) Software Developer - Massachusetts, USA
ICCE facilitates J-1 12 and 18 month Internship and Career Development Programs. At this time, we have host companies throughout the United States looking for I...
[no replies]
xbox live 2 month
Anyone that can give me the code to get my program to compile and work ill give u a xbox live 2 month. thanks guys ALright so basically your suppose to tell...
[5 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <io... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
C++ Software Engineer at The Neat Company
Position Description The Neat Company is seeking a software engineer to focus on building a state of the art imaging platform, including image optimization...
[no replies]
by yoyeen
C++ and QT compatibility programmer for Linux and Mac compatibility
This is a work from home position programming in C++ and using QT for compatibility with Linux and Mac. This is full time work, and you will not be able to comp...
[no replies]
by tomg
Full time strong C++ developer in Manhattan (finance)
We are an investment firm in mid-town Manhattan and currently have one full time opening for a Computer Scientist with emphasis on very strong C++ (and object o...
[no replies]
C/C++ and Embedded contractor needed
We have been asked by a key customer in the Lexington Kentucky area to assist them in finding several sharp C/C++ software engineer contractors with UI and Embe...
[no replies]
Looking for a job
Looking for a C++ job. I want to gain some experience, since I love the language. I have a C++ course behind me (with an A). I am a university student majoring ...
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Software Engineer – High Frequency Trading
Top electronic trading platform is seeking an experience software engineer. Candidates will work across the multi-asset trading platform gaining experience in b...
[no replies]
Senior Software Developer – TCP/UDP Sockets
Top prop shop is seeking a senior software engineer to develop and maintain the low level components of their high frequency trading, including the distributed ...
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Open position for C++ Developer, keen on gaming industry
Location Sofia, Bulgaria (Europe) A market leader in the field of gaming industry, is currently looking for experienced specialists to join its dynamic team ...
[no replies]
Recruiting programmer for Apple App Store
I have a swell idea to earn money. I thought it all out and all I need is a programmer. You don't need to be very experienced. Mail [email protected] ...
[4 replies] Last: Mmmm high rollers =] (by ultifinitus)
Looking for a Job
Hello, my name is Mike and I currently have about two years of on and off C++ experience. I am currently 14 and I know that I am not of good enough skill to eve...
[2 replies] Last: I sent you an email. (by Mathhead200)
VDW GmbH sucht Entwicklungsingenieur Embedded Software (m/w) in München
DeguDent, DENTSPLY DeTrey, Elephant, DENTSPLY Friadent und VDW gehören zu DENTSPLY International, dem weltweit führenden Unternehmen in der Dentalbranche. Ins...
[no replies]
by reggie
froglogic sucht erfahrene C++ und Java Entwickler in Hamburg für eine Festanstellung
Wir, die froglogic GmbH, sind ein kleines Software Unternehmen in Hamburg mit aktuell ca. 20 Mitarbeitern. Wir stellen das GUI Test Automation Werkzeug Squish h...
[no replies]
Sones GmbH sucht Softwareentwickler Mobile Apps (m/w) in Leipzig
sones GmbH Schillerstr. 5 04109 Leipzig E-Mail: [email protected] Telefon: +49 341 - 29 39 68 0 Fax: +49 361 - 24 45 00 8 Internet: S...
[no replies]
by Zanib
Electrical system needed in 24 hours !!!
Here is project which i need to complete in 24hours.Please help me, i am to pay if someone will do this project.It is kind of matter of life and death for me,my...
[no replies]
Year 2011 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 17
  Archived years: [2010 archive] [2012 archive]

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