Jobs - 2011 archive

looking for cracker , hacking of games.
I am looking for a hacker to hack games . As hacking of games is not illegal as long as we do not hack anything that is about money. i am looking for a hacker...
[5 replies] Last: $1500 a month for hacking? seems legit! anyways,aside the jokes,... (by MinwooJu)
Hire web programmers, designer and at a big fraction of price.
Indian Manpower offer reliable and professional dedicated information technology staff at an affordable price. We preserve a team of programmers, designers and...
[1 reply] : How much are they charging to program a professional website for a pro... (by Falconsoft)
by WIL
Looking for a C++ Programmer - Toronto, Canada
Waterfront International is a Toronto-based financial consulting firm, specializing in developing computer based statistical trading strategies. Waterfront’s...
[1 reply] : I could help with the art side of things but i am no programmer but co... (by Falconsoft)
Student looking for Job/practice
Good evening! I am Computer Science student, looking for a Job or Praxis. Knowledge - c++ and c++ builder - quite good, but still learning a lot. And I cou...
[1 reply] : I work on a server that runs off of the endless -online emulator of eo... (by endlesstracy)
by Ernest
Student/Retired Military looking for practice
Hello, Retired Military, soon to have bachelors in Computer Science study numerous programing languages from C++, Java, and HTML. Will soon be looking for work ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Aramil, appreciate the input practicing a lot like I said goin... (by Ernest)
by jsires
Need C++ MFC programmer
Looking for a skilled MFC programmer to take over a Digital Video Recorder application. Must be good in debugging. Must have experience. If interested please em...
[1 reply] : Hello , please mention that how many work exp you are exactly lookin... (by hunny)
Direct X 7 Object game scores
I run a Direct X online game launching lobby for Old CD Rom Games like Crimson Skies we think it works even better than the Old Microsoft Gaming Lobby, and yes...
[no replies]
Software Engineer Associate Wanted - Rocket Gaming Systems
The Company: Rocket Gaming Systems Founded in 1996, Rocket Gaming Systems is a rapidly growing leader in Class II casino-style gaming. Our primary customer...
[no replies]
Looking for developers to help in free and opensource project
Hello, I am not sure if this is allowed or not – if this post is against any Rules i apologize in advance and this post can be removed. I am in the proc...
[4 replies] Last: I only know c++ :( (by void void)
by WIL
Senior C++ Network Programmer
Waterfront International is a Toronto-based financial consulting firm, specializing in developing computer based statistical trading strategies. Waterfront’s...
[no replies]
by Imo
Looking for C++ Coder
Hello, im looking for expert coder for an project, please send me email if you can take the job, have many jobs also for you! contact me at: Juicers22@yahoo....
[1 reply] : Hello, I am a programmer/developer, use Delphi and C++Builder. Main fi... (by Stanislaw Raczynski)
Simulation: custom simulations, software, consulting
Looking for part time/consulting job. Discrete event/continuous simulation, queuing, CFD, signal flow, heat transfer, bond graphs. Consult http:://www.raczynski...
[no replies]
Want to hire a person that is good in c++ and reverse engineer
I want to hire a person that is good in c++ and reverse enginerr to make for me a bypass email me @ [email protected]
[no replies]
by joyas
Walkin Jobs in India
TCS is conducting Mega Walkin interview in Bangalore and Kochi Rolta India Walkin in Mumba...
[no replies]
Want To Hire A good in C++ Person as partner in my site
I am currently needing a C++,bypass maker as my partner in my site. Only singapore citizens Pay per month You will get $ 1000 - $1500 per month If you are i...
[1 reply] : Or if other country. We will pay you via paypal (by anthonywon67)
by mixamo
C++ Guru / Engineering Manager
Are you interested in the video game or digital content creation (DCC) industries? If so, we want to meet you! Mixamo is working to fundamentally change the...
[no replies]
Job Filled
Job Filled
[3 replies] Last: Certainly it's not, still it would be nice to know what exactly you ar... (by hanst99)
C++ GUI Software Engineer (m/f) for Lübeck - Germany
My client, is a privately held company that develops innovative software solutions for the growing market of photography and digital imaging processing. The com...
[no replies]
C++ Image Processing Engineer (m/f) - Lübeck - Germany
My client, is a privately held company that develops innovative software solutions for the growing market of photography and digital imaging processing. The com...
[no replies]
Software-Entwickler (m/w) für die System-Entwicklung, -Analyse und -Integration
Für unseren Endkunden Volkswagen suchen wir für die zukünftige Infotainmentgeneration im High Segment einen Software-Entwickler (m/w) für die System-En...
[no replies]
Year 2011 Pages: 123... 17
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