by dougiemails
Permanent C++ Development in London
[no replies]
by Chrislee123
Looking For A Teacher.......
[17 replies] Last: [email protected] is my Yahoo IM ID. I might be able to get my ... (by Gamer404)
by Martin Pace
Seeking C++ Developers for Non-Commercial Emulation Project (Unpaid. Voluntary.)
[2 replies] Last: That's true for FPS/RTS SDKs, but with MMORPGs there's not much game m... (by Martin Pace)
by RampUp
Entry Level C++ Programmer - NYC
[7 replies] Last: I am just learning C++ but i got a really good grasp of it!! in 2 ye... (by Attackim)
by christina9
C++ / DirectX / OpenGL Game and Graphics Guru – fast growing VC backed startup
[no replies]
by kryptonite
Need talented coder
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by QWERTYman
Anything for people WITHOUT a degree?
[9 replies] Last: Was this helpful? I know your an eagar coder who wants to put your ... (by Zaita)
job offer no pay |
[2 replies] Last: I am also willing to help you people on C++. You can reach me ksr_rame... (by ksrk)
by Balint Papai
C++ Position in Holland!
[1 reply] : (by Balint Papai)
by keelie
Visual C++/ CLI Developer {cPanel}
[no replies]
by justdook
[11 replies] Last: Bach of Comp Sci is probably a good bet. I have my Applied Bach in ICT... (by Zaita)
by zahirm
C++/UNIX - Telecom
[no replies]
by zahirm
C++/UNIX Market Data
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by Ruddock24
C++ Market Research
[1 reply] : Link to same question: (by Zaita)
by krexjk
Storage Area Network Jobs
[no replies]
by RampUp
Still looking for C++/C# Developers - NYC!!
[no replies]
by help4you07
Looking for C++, Builder C++, Java, PHP remote projects.
[1 reply] : Topic is actual! (by help4you07)
by Prometric
Sr. Software Engineer - C++ FT Perm for Prometric/Balt, MD
[no replies]
by cadams
C++ Developer Position in South NJ w/ Back-End Oracle Experience
[no replies]
by jburridge
Programmers for Website
[2 replies] Last: im just in to programming world i would like to work with you (by hassan99)