Jobs - 2008 archive (Page 3)

CHN-ShangHai : (C++/C#)SDE , SDET , lead-SDET ,lead-PM (for ERP) Microsoft
Microsoft(ShangHai)MBS : SDE , SDET , Lead PM , Lead SDET SDE "We are looking for a software development engineer to be a part of our Asia Pacific ...
[3 replies] Last: I am looking for a new job in Shanghai.I have been in shenzhen for sev... (by Celine)
[CHN-Beijing] Microsoft ICOE -- Senior Development Manager
Title: Senior Development Manager Level: tbd Job Description: Do you have passion for setting strategy and vision? Can you deliver solutions that are creat...
[no replies]
by frank
Entry Level Java Training Program-Associate Software Engineer
Accenture Technology Solutions Entry-Level JAVA Training Program Accenture Technology Solutions, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Accenture, is a global company ...
[no replies]
by Pencom
US-IL-Chicago: C++ Back-End Developers (Financial Firm)
Major investment bank in Chicago, IL, is seeking a number of C++ Developers to form a new Equities Derivatives Development Team to be involved in back-end devel...
[no replies]
by Pencom
US-NY-NYC: C++/Infrastructure Developers (Financial Firm)
Major financial services firm in New York, NY, is seeking C++ developers to join their core engineering team to work on creative and rewarding projects, develop...
[no replies]
I have a question on c++ careers
what are the availabe certification programs for c++ programmers and self study students
[1 reply] : There is no real certification for C++ development (or any other langu... (by bnbertha)
by ahmedm
***WANTED - Software Developer***
I'm currently recruiting for a Software Developer who has strong commercial experience in C++, Visual Studio 2005 and OOP. This is a permanent opportunity base...
[no replies]
C++ Fixed Income Role NYC (anyone)
Send resume to [email protected] The Fixed Income business comprises of the firm's interest rate trading businesses in G10 markets. This includes interest ...
[no replies]
by mcomo
Affiliate Stat Source code Job
Hello, I am looking to do the following: 1. have a program that will log into various affiliate programs every xx minutes and update my affiliate impression...
[no replies]
Replay Solutions Virtual Job Fair: Sr. Java/C++ position needed
Replay Solutions will direct recruit on Time: August 26, Tuesday Please visit to apply now, Daniel Parrillo will screen the resu...
[no replies]
by smsa
Equity Trading Systems Developer: C++ Unix: New York
My portfolio of clients consist of Trading desks within the Investment Banking & Hedge Fund frameworks keen to tap into the technical and intellectual talent of...
[no replies]
by smsa
Agile Application Developers Wanted for Hedge Fund Group
I have a unique requirement for a strong developer to work with a Hedge Fund that have grown exponentially under recent market turbulence and keen to capitalise...
[no replies]
Strong C and C++ Developers that love to solve complex problems!!!
Description: Do you have an unquenchable drive to break code? Do you love solving complex problems and feel rewarded when you find the resolution? If so, t...
[6 replies] Last: OS X is a release of Unix too! It's true that OS X runs a BSD Ker... (by Zaita)
Contract Work - Photoshop Plugin
We are looking to hire a contract developer for a simple Photoshop Plugin for both Windows and Mac. We are looking to start the project immediately and complet...
[1 reply] : :) I want to be a top coder of c++, and no experience to develop a ... (by toptony)
Teacher to teach Visual C++
I'm pretty much totally new to C++, using the tutorials i learned a little but i get really confused really fast. I was wondering if there's anyone that could t...
[no replies]
by zyspt
Write a simple program for 50usd?
stated as above. anybody wanna help write a simple program. the program require no database. will give more details if interested. will only be paying throug...
[4 replies] Last: I'd do it, if you don't need it to look pretty. Just e-mail the detail... (by VenomousNinja)
by arsen
remote projects on C++, C#: in short time and not expensive
Looking for remote C++, C# projects or permanent job. The project scope doesn't matter (Web, Databases, Graphical Interface, ...) Please send PM's to me.
[1 reply] : Perhaps it'd help if you listed your qualifications, previous work exp... (by Zaita)
The life of a programmer...
Hi, I'm just a kid who's considering which career to choose when I grow up. I've heard a couple negatives about C++ programming... Mostly that sitting in front ...
[7 replies] Last: @bnbertha: ahhhhhh. Snds like fun :P (by Zaita)
Looking for a tutor (no pay)
No degree needed. Just need skills in basic-intermediate c++ programming, and aim. PM me for more info.
[no replies]
C++ on Unix Positions in South-East UK
C++ / UNIX Software Engineer / Developer Based In Surrey (25 mins from London Waterloo) £30k- £60k + Great Benefits Our client is listed on the London...
[no replies]
Year 2008 Pages: 12345
  Archived years: [2009 archive]

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