Log In Client made for Game
Apr 19, 2013 at 3:36pm UTC
Hello, I am looking for someone who is able to make a Game Client Log in that will be able to run the game after the user has been authorized. I would also like it to have a sign up feature directly on the client and also a serial number authorization. This is so when they purchase the game they get a serial key.
[email protected]
When you contact me we can talk about the GUI and extra stuff.
Last edited on Apr 19, 2013 at 6:44pm UTC
Apr 20, 2013 at 11:59am UTC
Hello HappyCampers, I have just finished a username/password login that might set a base for what you are trying to do. I used a text file for saving usernames/passwords, and I do not know how I would set up a data base communicating to several computers. I myself am relatively new to C++, but I will be willing to help you. Here is the program:
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#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string usernameset()
char ch = getch();
string username = "" ;
while (ch != '\r' )
cout << ch;
username += ch;
ch = getch();
cout << endl;
return username;
string passwordset()
char ch = getch();
string password = "" ;
while (ch != '\r' )
cout << '*' ;
password += ch;
ch = getch();
cout << endl;
return password;
void regster()
ofstream myfile;
string username;
string password;
string response, tmp;
cout << "Enter a username and password." << endl;
cout << "Username: " ;
myfile.open ("usernamepassword.txt" , ios::app);
myfile << response;
username = usernameset();
response += username += "\n" ;
cout << "Password: " ;
password = passwordset();
response += password += "\n" ;
myfile << response;
cout << "Thanks for registering"
int login()
string search;
cout << "Please enter your username.\nUsername: " ;
string usernamein;
cin >> usernamein;
cout << "Please enter your password.\nPassword: " ;
string passwordin;
char ch = getch();
passwordin = "" ;
while (ch != '\r' )
cout << '*' ;
passwordin += ch;
ch = getch();
cout << endl;
search = usernamein;
int offset;
string blob;
int count;
string line;
ifstream Myfile;
Myfile.open ("usernamepassword.txt" );
if (Myfile.is_open())
while (getline(Myfile,line))
if (search == line)
int index = count+1;
if (count = index)
blob = line;
cout<<"Unable to open this file." <<endl;
system("PAUSE" );
return 0;
if (blob == passwordin)
cout << "Congradulations you are not a failure!!" ;
cout << "Error!!!" ;
system("PAUSE" );
return 0;
int main()
bool neworguest;
string input;
cout << "Are you a guest, or have you logged in before.\nGuest or User: " ;
cin >> input;
if (input == "Guest" )
else if (input == "User" )
cout << "Please enter 'Guest' or 'User'" ;
return 0;
return 0;
Apr 20, 2013 at 1:28pm UTC
Thanks for the code, but I can't use it because it must be connected to a Database and also have a built in Signup area
Apr 23, 2013 at 9:23pm UTC
You can use Log Me In Hamachi to connect to other computers.
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