Junior Software Developer

ARINC in Warner Robins, GA is looking for a Junior Software Developer to support our Aerospace Systems Engineering and Support. The candidate will provide requirements analysis, design, development, test and documentation support as necessary on various projects.

Required Experience: Requires less than two years previous training and experience (classroom experience accepted) in object-oriented programming languages such as C++ or Java.

Desired Experience: Experience with .NET architectures and programming environment, .ASP, Linux Operating System, Visual Studio Development Environment, Relational databases such as mySQL or SQL Server and Embedded development and driver development desired.

Education Requirements: Requires a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field. Preference may be given to candidates with a Master's degree.

If interested in our open position, please go to www.arinc.com/careers Job#9620, for your a start on your new career!
Hi. My name is Kire Andreev. I'm from Macedonia. I have 6 hears work experience in C/C++,.Net, Java, Sql Server, Oracle, Postgresql, Access, Linux Suse. I would like to work for your company outsourcing.My emai is: [email protected]
Best Regards

Kire Andreev
did you not see the the web address at the bottom of the post? lol Im sure there not gonna take the time to find your single weak post with no information on it and email you, theres these cool things called applications, you should check em out. www.arinc.com/careers Job#9620
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