Hello, I am new to C++ and would like some help learning how to use it. I started learning C++ by watching YouTube videos, but the problem was that all of the videos were either too slow or too fast. I need someone who I can work with live so I can learn at my own pace. I know a few basic things in C++, so you won't have to teach me:
int main()
cout << "Hello world \n";
system ("pause");
return 0;
or something lame like that. If you would like to know what I can do, I'll have the program that I am currently writing at the end of this post. The program I use for programming is Dev-cpp. We would have to chat on GoogleTalk. If you would like to apply, comment below, and email me at [email protected]. Thank you!
There is no shortcut to learning C++. Eventually, you'll have to ask yourself how much do you need to learn to accomplish a given task? From the looks of it, you need a book that covers syntax. Check out C++ Primer. There are many other books to choose from, but this is the one with which I have experience.
Also check out stackoverflow. Many answers are very well written and can help give you a nudge in the right direction.
Thanks pancak3s for the recommendation, and thanks drew887 for being willing to help.
If no one else applies by the end of the day, your hired drew. If not, I'll look over the applications, but I think you'll be the one. I don't need you to really be super great, I just need to know enough to make a small game like a one level 2d platformer like Mario. Believe it or not, the whole reason I got started on this all was because of my awesome language arts teacher. We have this project where we get to do pretty much ANYTHING we want and I chose to learn programming (don't worry, it's not due for a LONG while)! It's pretty weird, a 7th grader (me) learning C++ for a school project! so yeah, whatever you know will probably be MORE than enough (even if you can't teach me everything, I'll probably figure out the rest on my own). THANK YOU!
Hi, Reeceboy1299 ... Its nice that you are interested in learning programming. I am a university student having 3 year programming experience in C / C++ Java and C#, Moreover i have a good experience in 2D Game Development in C++ using allegro.h.
If you find any difficulty in programming or game programming (which you will be doing afterwards) I can teach & guide you for free, without any charge !
Ok well none of the people (accept for cronopio) have been online for a while so I'm going to need a new tutor (unless one of the others comes on) if you would like to apply, let me know!