Hello there,
I am interested in starting up my own Classic private server and I am looking for developers to make a solid team with which to do this. Although C++ developers are the foundation of the developent knowledge of mysql would be greatly appreciated.
I will be investing money into this project which incorporates a website with CMS, Logo work with after effects for video publicity, hosting and Ddos protection and possibly a fixed salary (low wage) for very good developers.
Once the server is up and running it will have donations from the community which will help us to pay our developers.
I appeal to you to not join this project for the money, because there will be very little of that to start with. However it would be a great chance to get some experience with the world of warcraft game design.
My idea is to make a 1.12.1 server (classic vanilla) where players will be able to donate for advantages that dont influence end game. This would mean that they cannot donate for gear, they cannot donate for keys/attunements and they cannot donate for any pvp/pve advantages.
Things they will be able to donate for include but are not limited to:
Flight paths unlocked
Increased leveling rates
regular mount skill
Name change
Gender change
Faction change
Lottery tickets to a lottery made by us (rewards are Mounts/tabards/pets)
more to come
If you think this is something that you would like to be a part of then please contact me on the information posted below.
[email protected]
Skype: Saur_gaming